Lost Then Found

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Here's a little oneshot based on my experience of losing my old Discord account to a scam. Luckily I didn't lose anything else but I was a complete wreck for two days straight until I got that new account.

Business went as usual at Laughy's Kareoke Club. Everyone was getting drinks and having a good time with the jukebox, while Dareth was in the back filling up orders and mixing his famous boba drinks. His regular, Ronin would always be at his front desk, watching his boyfriend fatten up from the drinks his customers would have him sip from. "This club is booming, it's like everyone in the world wants to come here and have a good time." He remarked. "Wait, didn't you used to have a dojo?"

The brown ninjas heart sank as he remembered, the Mojo Dojo was once his pride and joy, it had everything he could ever want. He had classes with the local youth and even some adult students, the people signing up to join could go on for around the block and he would greet each and every one of them. Unfortunately it wasn't to last as he would find out. One day he received a letter from what he thought was the bank, it told him his dojo would be shut down due to a claim of fraud. He would have to send money to a worker to keep it going.

But as soon as he went to do so, Chamile, the master of form, swooped in and took over his dojo. "I mean, I didn't lose any money thankfully, but it stung so much having to say goodbye to my dojo. All those good memories I had there, all the classes I was teaching were all gone before I knew it. I tried everything to regain control but the damage was done." Dareth sighed sadly. "I still have nightmares about what I should have done instead."

Feeling sorry for his plump lover, Ronin patted his belly, giving it a stroke. "Hey, you didn't lose any money, right?"

"Well, no."

"And she didn't fool anyone else either, right?"

"I warned my students right away and they all canceled their memberships."

"And look at you, you're still alive and kicking. You have this new bubble tea stand now and your friends are all still here."

"Yeah, I guess. I still wish I wasn't so foolish."

Dareth would have continued but he was soon silenced by a kiss. "Aw cheer up big guy. I would have fallen for it too if my pawn shop was at risk of going down." Ronin assured him. "That dojo was all you lost in the end, so you came out on top, Chamile wanted money and she didn't get a single cent in the end." He reassured the chubby man. "Let's fill you up with some tasty boba, I wanna see you flush out those bad thoughts with cute chub."

Dareth finally smiled, kissing Ronin and laying back to be fed. The biggest boba glass in the store was filled with the milky tea and tapioca bubbles, moaning as he filled out even further. His belly was so large and round that it snapped his suspenders, his pants also tightened from the plushness. His thighs and butt tore right through in a matter of seconds, leaving him in nothing but a pair of briefs.

Tea dribbled down his cheeks as he was filled further, his already round face was becoming even rounder with three chins and puffy cheeks. It was definitely a sight to behold. "Urrrrp. Oh man, I worried so much I guess I forgot to eat sometimes." Dareth belched.

"Aw that's alright, cutie. You feeling better now?"

"Mm, oh yeah. So much better." Dareth smiled, his cheeks lit up as he let out his biggest smile today. It had been so long since he was this happy. "Thanks Ronin, for everything."

The mercenary just kissed him again, squeezing his love handles. "Now, how about a little fun, hmm?"

"Oh you naughty boy~ I'm in~"

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