Blimp Off

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"Ugh, just what are those two up to now?" Nya grumbled, for the past few days she had to put up with Jay and Cole constantly dueling for her attention. First it was them trying to knock each other out with rancid breath, then came the day they both wanted to take her out on a date with no luck. "Ugh, will you guys quit it?! You're both acting like toddlers the way you're fighting over me!"

"Hah! See she called ya a toddler!"

"She was calling you that, Jay!"

"If you keep acting that way neither of you will even have a chance of going out with me!! Besides, you're not even my type."

This instantly got the attention of the two bickering lovebirds. "Well then what kind of guy do you like? Someone who really lifts? Because I know I got the physique of a god!"

"Pft, yeah right! Everyone knows girls always go for the smart guy, especially ones with a sense of humor like me!"

"A sense of humor? You mean like your stupid one liners that always pop up when we're trying to have a serious moment?"

"Hey!! I happen to believe in the power of positive thinking!"


"Will you two just shut up?! I like.... Umm.. I.. I like.. Bigger men! Yeah that's it, boys with a lot to hold onto. Something like that." She stuttered, quickly leaving the scene before things got more awkward.

"Bigger guys huh? Didn't expect Nya to be into that sort of stuff, bet that's another one of her secrets that she's hiding from me!"

"Yeah, she'd never hide anything from her perfect match!"

"Perfect match? Ha!! I'll be claiming that title once she catches sight of me! I'll be the biggest man in the city!"

"Pft, with such a puny bod like yours? Not in your life!"

Giving each other one last glare, the two of them rushed off in order to woo their crush. Jay made off with a whole crate full of helium tanks while Cole hijacked an entire fire department just for their hoses, I'm sure you can guess by now how exactly they're going to impress Nya.

Shoving a bunch of hoses into their mouths, the helium/water pumps were switched on to fill them up with. Instantly their bellies surged outwards, filling out with ease. After their bellies became the size of beach balls, then came the inflation of their limbs. In mere seconds they sank into their new thunder thighs and bubble butts, tearing up whatever was left covering them up. Very soon they were almost as large and round as wrecking balls, just with tiny heads atop enormous bellies.

Of course that meant they could be seen from anyone a mile away, and look who just so happened to show up? "Wha-oh great. Maybe I should have said I preferred boys who don't do stupid things."

"BUUURRRRRRP!!!! Hey Nya!! I'm a real big man now!"

"Big?! He doesn't know the meaning of big! I'm a mini moon right here!"

With their respective inflation tools going empty, the hoses were spat out and they begun to bump against each other. "Lay your eyes on this big booty here!"

"No way! You ought to see mine jiggle!"

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