I Scream For Ice Cream

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"Certainly there's no reason why I can't partake in this eating contest."

"Sorry Zane, but robots are disqualified. You got too big of an advantage over the others, being a nindroid and all."

"Hrmpf! That hardly seems fair." The titanium ninja grumbled. He was hoping to have a fun time with his four teammates indulging themselves at the new ice cream shop that opened just across of Steeper Wisdom. It used to be the old coffee shop from the Wu's Teas segments, however it went out of business a few months in and got converted when the new owner bought it. As for the eating contest, it was made as a way to promote their new line of tea filled mochi bites.

"It doesn't seem right just having me watch while my friends get to indulge in all that sweetness. There must be some way for me to become human as well so I may participate.." Zane thought. Then he suddenly remembered about the special teas Wu still kept hidden in the back, he never snuck back there with his teammates but he was certain there had to be some way to make him human.

"Let's see now... Obesitea, Goatea, Nativitea.. Aha! Humanitea, this should be it." Not waiting for the kettle to boil, the nindroid mixed the tea leaves with some milk and chugged it all down. In an instant he could feel his insides twisting up from wires and motherboards into organs and veins, his shiny metal plates softened into smooth skin and even the way he saw everything was changed.

Literally of course as he now had human eyeballs. "Hm, how peculiar. My new form is all soft and plump, I figured I could have been fighting fit like the others. Well time for the contest! I do hope they haven't started without me!"


"Well this sure is a wild surprise, it looks like the titanium ninja is now the fleshy ninja! What do ya think of that audience? Aw never mind about that, now that he's human he gets to join in on the fat-I mean the feeding fun! Whoever devours the most mega mochi before time will win a years supply of ice cream!!" The shop owner announced. In front of the five male ninja was the largest pile of ice cream mochi one had ever seen.

The flavours were red bean, matcha, black sesame, mango and plain milk, matching each of their favourite colours as they got down to munching. The cold, sweet ice cream matched perfectly with the mild taste of the glutinous rice flour dough, not to mention they were each topped off with orange zest and cocoa powder for an extra kick. What they didn't expect was such a light feeling treat could have such an impact on their waistlines.

They didn't feel any more full, and thus didn't notice their bellies swelling the more they swallowed. With their midsections tripling in size by the minute, their gi could barely hold and tore off almost instantly, soft flesh piling out over their thighs.

But that wasn't all, their limbs grew soft and flabby alongside their massive guts, their hips and butts spilled out over the seats they were in and their cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk's. Even after all that they still kept on eating, it seemed like nothing could satisfy their hunger. "Time!! Now to see who won this little game."

Five loud, long belches filled the room. It was by this point the ninja realized how much they expanded in such a short amount of time. Their ice master wound up being the biggest out of the five, with his belly as round and squishy as the mochi he devoured. "Ooooh.. Oh my, I didn't think we ate that much.." He squeaked, patting his soft flesh.

"And I didn't think you'd have gone so long without suspecting a thing." A familiar British accent cooed, slithering up from behind the counter. "Aren't you happy to see your old chum back again?"

"P.. P.. Py.."

The long necked Anacondrai chuckled darkly, wrapping his tail around the helpless blobs. "The perfect revenge is served cold, ice cold. If only I could powder you up."

Before any of them had time to react, Pythor unhinged his jaw to swallow the nearest ninja. "Mmm, bluejay is full of sweet sesame. And I suppose the legendary green ninja is as bitter as the matcha his belly, hmm?"

With two ninja fully trapped in his now stretched out gut, he still had room for three more. "For the black ninja you sure do like orange, why not eat something that matches your gi like hothead over here?"

In the panic, Zane watched in horror as his smaller teammates disappeared down the gullet of the voracious Serpentine. "Ah, finishing off with a refreshing milk stuffed droid. Now nice and tender from that tea."

"Tea.. ah!" He knew that the teas never lasted long, so there was no doubt he'd be in for a shock. "Well then, give it your best shot. You won't like it."

And lo and behold, as soon as Pythor sunk his teeth into his soft rump, he instantly found himself returning to his titanium self. "Take this!"

The metallic taste didn't help matters much either, the poor serpent found himself vomiting up the rest of the ninja. "Urrgh.. Droids, they always take the fun out of vore." He grumbled.

"Well next time maybe don't try and hurt my friends, or try and eat any of us again." Zane chuckled, jiggling his newfound metal moobs. "Why don't you do the ice cream business full time? It would be a lot less painful for you."

"......... Why didn't I think of that?"

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