A Ghostly Feast

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Here's another request from 1x9meme !

You would think Morro would be completely focused on releasing the Preeminent now that he's possessed the world famous Green Ninja, but there were a couple things he wanted to get to first and foremost.

Being stuck in the Cursed Realm for who knows how long was a disaster, he missed out on everything living had to offer. While he did get to have food as a ghost it was all so tasteless, not helped by his taste buds weakening the longer he remained as one. Now in a human body he could finally get some real food.

"What are we doing at Chen's Noodles? You could have at least waited until the place was actually open, there aren't even any janitors in here." Lloyd grumbled, he wasn't too pleased about seeing his body moving against his will.

"You don't think people would get suspicious if they see the famed hero of Ninjago with a weird new voice? Besides I know a thing or two about cooking, and I'll need to keep a hold on you to taste anything. Trying to eat alone just tastes like it's burnt."

The master of energy rolled his eyes as Morro lunged for the ingredients needed for Puffy Potstickers. "Let's see now; firm tofu, ground shrimp, red pepper flakes, dark soy sauce, sesame oil, white sesame seeds and chillies. Perfect! Now to find that dumpling dough."

Lloyd was glad his possessor emerged from his body in order to cook, but didn't think he'd be able to escape unnoticed. "This could be the perfect chance to keep him distracted while the others stop his ghost army." He thought. "So you really missed eating a lot didn't ya?"

"Like you'd never believe! All I ever had was some weird sludge the Preeminent calls oatmeal, I can't even remember what real food tastes like!"

"Oh you poor ghost, you must be wasting your life away. I better order up some cakes too, oh! And can't forget all the new candies you missed out on, have you ever got to try chocolate covered almonds with coconut shavings and a drizzle of white chocolate?"

Morro was drooling by this point, he just realized how deprived of good food he had been. "I must have it!! Give me all your modern snacks and sweets, please tell me they're still selling sour mango balls."

"If I knew what those were I would get those too, you just sit back and I'll get the goods."


Soon the closed restaurant was filled with everything on the menu, truckloads of cakes and cookies from the bakery next door and the sour mango balls Morro craved ever since he arrived at the Cursed Realm. "Ooooh, come here green bean I need to taste all these!!"

Lloyd was nearly knocked back as the ghost lunged back into his host, ready to indulge the night away. "How could I have missed out on so much? Everything looks so sweet!"

The possessed ninja wasted no time gorging away at the piles of food, he was enjoying himself so much he basically forgot what he even came to the living world for. The green ninja smirked as Morro pigged out, feeling his belly swell overtime.

After ten dumplings and a whole pot of somen his gut softened up and sloshed about on his lap, then once he finished two hot pots and a whole platter of scallop tempura the fat spread to his thighs and butt, taking up all the space in the booth he was sitting in.

Dirty dishes piled up in the sinks as Morro kept eating, just the sensation of the fatty foods on his tongue sent him into a frenzy. "How could this realm have such amazing cuisine? Now I know why Ghooltar is so obsessed with food, this is heaven! If heaven exists in Ninjago."

The more he ate, the bigger he became. His once toned arms sunk into his giant belly, not that they would be much help if they weren't with how rounded out they became. Soft triple chins rolled down to cover up whatever was left of Morro's neck, flabby rolls covered up his stubby limbs and made him immobile.

"Huh? Ah!! I'm a blimp!!" The ghost panicked, attempting to lift his gigantic host off the ground. "How can the modern world eat such unhealthy grub without being so huge?"

Lloyd just chuckled, his fat rippling from his laughter. "It looks like we're stuck here together, no way you can steal the realm crystal now."

Maybe for you, but I'm floating out of here!!" Unfortunately as Morro exited his host he didn't get any thinner, the two were an exact match in size, shape and girth. "Damn, I never thought a ghost could be too heavy.."

Wobbling to his immobile possessor, Lloyd laid his chubby cheeks on Morro's translucent pillowy gut. "Like I said, we're stuck here until the others notice two giant blobs stuck in a closed restaurant, I'm sure Skylor would tell them all about it."

"Grrr, shut up you."

"Oh you like it and you know it."

"I don't!!"

Of course the teasing went all through the night, Morro growing more embarrassed as the one who once was worried he'd harm his friends was now prodding his fat gut and commenting about his gluttony. "Change of plans, I'll need a new host, preferably someone with a lot of muscle."

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