For You Blueberry (Glacier)

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After the Overlord's defeat, all that was left to do was repair all the damages that befell the city and for the ninja to take up new jobs. Their sensei Wu bought Darkley's boarding school, converting it into a public school focusing on the history of elemental powers and the First Spinjitzu master. It wasn't nearly as exciting as their old days fighting Sulkin and the Serpentine, but on the plus side it meant they had more than enough free time to do whatever they pleased.

Jay and Nya got to go on their very first date (with Kai constantly supervising them in disguise), Lloyd finally got to spend quality time with his whole family together again and was famous the world over for saving everyone, Zane and his father moved back to Birchwood forest to create more inventions together. Finally there's the earth master, Cole. He spent his days hanging around with his friends, going to bakeries for the hero's discount on cake or visiting his Dad whenever they're not touring out of the island.

Today he was on his way to Birchwood, sleeping bag in hand and bag packed for a night out. "I wonder if those two whipped up something new while I was away. Hope it's an automatic cake dispenser, making heaven's gift of food out of thin air! Or maybe some way to make cake a health food so I don't end up too bloated to train every day."

It wasn't long until he arrived at the hollow tree where Dr. Julien and Zane lived in. "Just how you left it, right father?" The droid remarked.

"It really has been a while since I've been here, being left in that abandoned tower for so long. I'm glad I programmed your little falcon to bring you here, I was hoping with your memories back you can come and find me. Ah, I think your friend has arrived as well."

Rushing up the stairs, he greeted Cole and lead him to the spare room. "It's a lot bigger on the inside."

"Heehee, I thought that too when I saw the outside of our house. Oh! I wanted to bake something for you, all we got around here are some berry bushes and pie crust."

"Pie huh? Not as good as cake, but a nice substitute. Unless it's cheesecake, I'd replace that with anything!"

"You boys go knock yourselves out, I'll finish up Cole's room." Dr. Julien smiled, watching as his son rushed out gleefully. "Oh wait! You'll need these baskets first. Now don't stray too far from our home, those Treehorns have been a lot more aggressive lately."

"We'll be sure about that doc, we might not have our weapons or elemental powers but I can still pack a punch!" Cole assured to the old man, sprinting to catch up with the eager Nindroid. "Those berries sure look juicy, oh! There's a nice big one!"

"I don't think I've ever seen this bush before, do you think they're safe to eat?"

Picking up the largest blueberry from the bush, Cole promptly took a bite. "It's so sweet, best blueberry I ever had!" He exclaimed, finishing it off.

"Aw you glutton, save some for the pie will ya." Zane chuckled, filling his basket with mixed berries. "Not a lot of raspberries this year, how's your basket looking Cole? Cole?"

The earth master in question couldn't stop munching away at the blueberries, only getting a few to take back. "I think you got some juice all over your face. Here, let me wipe it off for you."

Getting a napkin out of his arm compartment, the droid rubbed it all over Cole's face. It seemed no matter how hard he scrubbed, the blue stain wouldn't come off. "How peculiar, the juice stain looks like it's getting bigger."

"Wha-nah that can't be possible. You got a mirror?"

Rushing to a frozen lake, Cole saw that his whole face had turned blue, it even spread to his hands. "Whoa.. This is like something out of a sixties horror book." He remarked, but that wasn't the only change to befall him. His belly started to gurgle, as if it was struggling to digest the berries he stuffed himself with. "Oooooh... I don't feel so good.."

Panicking, Zane noticed his friend's belly started swelling up. "Ah!! I'm turning into a blimp!" He shrieked, trying to push his belly back in with no avail. His hoodie zipper completely popped off as he continued to grow. He could feel all the juice flowing from his gut through his veins, spreading the inflation to his limbs. One big burst of juice lead Cole tumbling off his stubby feet and laying helplessly on his back, all he could do now was flail his chubby arms until they fully sank into him.

Finally his cheeks filled out like a chipmunk's. "Ugh, Zane? I think I stopped bloating up now." He squeaked, trying to adjust his new round body to look for his friend. But all he could see was his now tattered outfit, all that could fit him now was his boxer shorts. "Ummm, you wouldn't have anything that could get me some new clothes would ya?"

The little droid looked on in awe at what happened right before his eyes, he didn't think harmless looking berries could lead to one becoming a giant blueberry themselves. However, he couldn't help but find Cole looking cute as the way he was now. Scooting up his round belly, Zane climbed up to his face and snuggled. "I'm afraid I don't, but I'm sure father might help with that. As well as your new... Ummm... Condition."

The earth ninja grew flustered as he felt the nindroid rubbing his new exposed middle. "You feel like a large waterbed. It's so cozy here." He murmured, burying his face into Cole's bloated gut.

"Aw.. Ya really think so?"

Zane's voice was muffled, but Cole could tell he thought yes. "Um, think you can roll me back to your place?"

"With pleasure." Getting down from the massive blueberry, Zane rolled his shivering buddy back to the hollow tree. "I hope you won't mind me using you as a bed."

"Not at all, as long as I get juiced tomorrow. We got classes then."

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