The Masterplan

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Sort of a continuation of the last chapter, ENJOY

"I wonder why Zane invited us all to his old home. I thought he'd want us to meet up at the Bounty if he's got any news from the Dark Island." Kai remarked, him alongside Cole, Jay and Lloyd were just inches away from Birchwood Forest.

"I'm sure he's just wanting us over for a slumber party, he did tell us to bring over sleeping bags and toothbrushes after all." Jay replied as they entered the hollow tree. "I wonder how one guy was able to build an entire home just in one tree."

"Well Dr Julien was a genius, he probably built some digger bots or rock raiders to get this place set up. Zane? We're here!"

Loud footsteps shook the floor as the ice ninja in question approached, the four visitors were shocked to find how hard he let himself go on his mission. His belly hung right down to the floor, skidding along as he waddled like a giant fleshy apron, his new thunder thighs and bubble butt wobbled like mad with just the tiniest step, his limbs looked as if they could barely reach past his soft chest, finally his triple chin and blubbery neck fat nearly covered up his face. "Oh hello, I hope you don't mind my new look."

"New look? You're huge!!"

"I am aren't I? I believe most of the flab went right to my bottom." Zane giggled, giving it a smack. It was almost hypnotic seeing it jiggle like a bowl of jello, it certainly got the attention of Kai and Cole, claiming a cheek each.

"I didn't think a robot was even able to get this fat, not that I mind. I bet ya brought us here to watch ya put on a show right?"

"Oh you're so very dirty Cole. I can assure you that you will have a chance to play with me, but I would like to start with a little game of my own." The two flustered ninja were more than happy to oblige, while Jay and Lloyd were a bit more reluctant. "Something tells me Zane's not in his right head." The Lightning ninja whispered to his friend.

"Not in my right head? But I only have this one head, and I do believe it is not wrong."

"Or maybe he is, well what are the rules?"

Smirking, Zane dragged in a chest full of different onesies, all based around a dragon. "First I want you to choose something to wear, it's part of my game. And to make sure you feel all warm and snuggly while we play."

"Weird, but I guess it wouldn't hurt. Since we are spending the night after all." Each rushing as far away from each other as possible, the four slim ninja got out of their gi and into the soft dragon onesies. "Mmm, these are snug. Okay I guess they are pretty loose, hey Zane, got any way to tighten them up a notch?"

"Tighten them up you say? I think I got just the thing." Waddling into the kitchen section of the tree home, he got to work making sundaes for his teammates. "I do hope you're not too cold for a frozen dessert, topped off with a little something special." He cooed, bringing them over.

"Sundaes! They're not cake but just as delicious." As the four snacked at their ice cream, Zane's face grew into a wide grin. "Are your onesies tightening up now?"

Of course they were unable to respond with their maws being stuffed full of half melted ice cream, hot fudge sauce, whipped cream and oddly purple cherries. But it seemed they should have been more suspicious of the last ingredient, as upon swallowing their eyes turned a dark shade of purple.

"Urggh.. I feel weird.." Lloyd groaned, feeling his waistline expand. "Um Zane? Just where did you find those purple cherries?"

The blobby ninja's grin instantly changed into a cackle, pulling the four deep into his belly fat. "Zane is gone, I am now Overload!"

"Pft, Overload? What kind of a name is-"

"Quiet blue one! Possessing your naive fat loving friend was just phase one of my plan, I brought you all here to start the next phase. Without the world famous ninja to protect your city, nothing will stand in my way!! Or should I say, our way?"

"You're w-" Instantly the innocent looking dragon onesies latched right onto their skin, almost as if it was fusing with them. The fuzzy cotton pyjamas morphed into smooth, shiny scales, the wings and tails could now move like any other limb and their nails sharpened into claws. The new dragon ninja gained scales the same colour as their old gi, complete with dark purple stripes going down their bellies.

"Good, very good. Now it's time for the weight to take its toll."

And so it did, their bellies expanded as if someone was pumping them up with a helium tank. Then their thighs and legs sank right into their butts, making them look like giant pear shaped dragons with flabby, stubby arms. Their tails bloated up as well, growing as thick as tree trunks that rode up their cracks. Then it was time for the final phase of their transformation, their minds were completely wiped and refilled with thoughts of serving and praising their new master. Shifting back into his Overload form, Zane cackled at a job well done.

"Now I have four completely loyal servants for my rule! But before I go, I do believe I owe Cole and Kai some fun with my flabby rump?" Motioning his stubby tail over to the red and black dragons, they gleefully rolled over to smack a cheek. "Ninjago city will never know what hit them!"

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