A Fat Family Reunion

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"Um, Coley Kins? Are you sure he'll like me?" Izzy mumbled, she and her boyfriend, Cole were going to visit his father. "I mean, after seeing how he acted around you back in that boarding school I don't know if he'll like that I'm giving you tons of cake and other sweets."

The earth sumo stopped his waddle, turning to scoop up his little girlfriend and cuddled her. "Hey. I'm sure he'll be nice to you, before we met he really didn't approve of me turning from his light dancer to a huge, hunking sumo wrestler." He cooed. Cole was dressed in a black hoodie with bear ears and a pair of baggy black pants as opposed to his usual mawashi he wore on missions. "Now he's all for me being large and in charge! Large enough to protect my sweet little bunny from anyone who dares to hurt her."

Izzy giggled as she curled up in his arms, pressing against his jiggly moobs. "Well if you say so, and if he's angry I know my big bear sumo will protect me." She smiled. "Are we here already? This sure is a small house, you sure you can fit inside?"

Cole was sure it would be a breeze, after all, fat can be smooshed to infinite. Unfortunately the moment he opened the door, his huge belly could barely get through. "Ack! Umm, Izz? Could you give me a push? Uh, I think I'm stuck." He was flustered to admit it, but not nearly as much as he felt his girlfriend pushing against his bubble butt.

"Oooooh, you're so soft it's like I'm pushing a big ball of jelly! Once we get in, I wanna hug this booty and cuddle it and kiss it!" She squealed. "I bet your sweet squishy face is so red and blushy from how much I'm complimenting your sweet tushie tush."

"Heh, you're making me blush so hard I bet both sets of cheeks are red!" The enormous sumo squeaked, he tried to pull himself into the house to no avail. His belly squeezed against the now cracking door frame. "Uh, Dad? You in at the moment?"

Lou knew Cole was going to put on weight during his sumo training, but he never figured his son would end up at this size. "O-oh my. How much have you been ea-"

He was about to continue when Cole motioned towards Izzy, or at least he attempted to. Hard to see when his blubber was blocking the view to the outside. "Mind giving me a pull? I can make it in! I just need a boost." Cole squeaked. "Nggn, I think I can feel the rest of my belly piling in!"

Lou knew he was going to need a much bigger door at the rate his current one was in, especially if Cole and Izzy were to make more frequent visits. He pulled at Cole's flabby arms as hard as he could, with Izzy pushing even harder from behind (it didn't do much though, as his butt fat had almost completely engulfed her). After ten minutes of squeezing the ginormous sumo, he finally bounced into the house. "Ack! Umm, see? I told ya I could fit!"

Izzy giggled at how silly her boyfriend could often be, especially when it came to him underestimating what he can fit into. "Like when you said you could fit into your old shoulder armor?" She joked, giving his belly a good jiggle. "Is that growling I hear? Are you hungry already, you little-er- big tummy you?"

"Uh, well I only had a bowl of our usual chankonabe and a couple cookies an hour ago. That stuff just doesn't fill up a huge sumo like myself." Cole insisted, his belly growled even louder as if it agreed with him. "Got any more of that amazing cake, Dad? The double chocolate chip covered in whipped cream and even more chocolate shavings?"

"I think I have some still in the fridge somewhere, but you sure you can finish an entire cake by yourself?" Lou already knew the answer the moment he remembered just how huge Cole got in such a short amount of time. "Oh right. Well could you at least spare a couple slices?"

"Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeeee Coley Kins? For me?" Izzy purred, she knew Cole could never resist her huge puppy eyes. "Just a little slice?"

The massive sumo blushed at the sight, giving her a kiss in response. "Aw it's too good for me to hog to myself, you got yourself a deal." He exclaimed, waddling to the kitchen to get the cake. "It was always my mom's favourite cake too. She used to also make candied mango pieces to put on top, I wish she taught us how to make them."

Lou looked down as he recalled his late wife. "She was always sort of a chubby chaser herself. Back in the early days of the Royal Blacksmiths we were all sort of.. Umm, huge. Not close to half your size, son. But still fat compared to the average person." He explained, taking a small bite of his own cake.

"You were a chubby man too? But then how come you didn't want Cole gaining weight?" Izzy asked. "Cole kept feeling all bad for being the biggest sumo until I came around."

"He did? When the Blacksmiths split I was subjected to many journalists commenting about my weight, I didn't want them to do the same to my son. Without Lily it just hit so much harder." The old man admitted. "This was the first time I had cake in a long while."

Cole hated seeing his father so upset, he took him and Izzy into his flabby arms for a bear hug. "Hey, I think Mom would want you to enjoy her cake. "Being super huge has its even bigger advantages, like squishing any bullies or fatphobes!" He exclaimed. "How about a little Blacksmith's reunion tour? Sponsored by Sumogo's famous heroes and their mega huge sensei?"

Lou let out a small smile, it had been a long while since he'd seen the rest of his band. "You'd do that?"

"Yeah Mr Brookstone!! Or Lou? Whichever you prefer." Izzy added. "I bet the band missed you a lot, I know Cole did when he nearly considered quitting. And I could help out with the chubbification. Heehee, I came up with that word on the spot. Like it?"

"I. I don't know what to say, but thanks. Want to try making some of your mother's famous candied mango pieces?"

Cole nodded as he carried the two to the kitchen, his belly swaying with every step he took. "AH! Umm, I think I got stuck again. A little help?"

Lou chuckled as he pulled one arm, Izzy pulling the other. "I really should remodel."

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