Blueberry Chip (Techno)

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For the past week, Jay was hard at work on a secret project that might help the ninja get an edge on the nindroid army and save Wu. The bounty had a workshop installed below which was perfect for the lightning master to tinker with new weapons or upgrading their vehicles, as well as experiment with new ways to fight evil. "Aha! It's finally finished, the Blue Chip! Now I just gotta make sure this thing works." The blue ninja cheered, raising a seemingly ordinary hard drive as if it were a lion cub from a certain movie. "Hey Zane? Can you come in here for a minute?"

In an instant their droid friend was in the lab. "A USB drive? This is how we can defeat the Overlord and his army?"

"Not just any drive, it's your very own built in barrier! No offense but you get damaged a lot and we're running out of parts for ya. Just plug this into your neural drive and then it's hello invincibility!" Jay exclaimed, handing over the Blue Chip. "Let's test it out on deck, if we're attacked it would be the perfect time to see if it works!"

Zane held the drive in his palm, curious what would happen if he plugged it in. "Doesn't seem to be any changes so far, wait. Jay, my interface is turning a bright cyan, is that supposed to happen?"

Before the lightning ninja could say no, he realized Zane's nose had a blue stain on it. "Hey stay put, lemme get that paint off your nose."

"Paint? I wasn't using any paint earlier. What are you-ack!" When Zane turned to a nearby mirror, the two ninja both realized the stain was spreading to the rest of the nindroid's face. Another stain appeared at the tips of his fingers, then spreading outwards to his arms, the same rich blue shade as his face. "What's going on? My cloaking mode doesn't have a blue skin option!"

"Uuuh, I'll get my notes! Just stay calm, it's probably just a glitch with the chip." Jay squeaked, rushing back into his lab to get his notes and blueprints. Meanwhile a loud gurgling sound same from the ice ninja's belly, looking down he realized it was swelling up. "Zane? Everything okay out there?"

The droid in question was too shocked to respond, he couldn't understand what was filling him up. "It appears to be a liquid of sorts, but I didn't drink anything today." He though, pressing down on his gut to keep himself from bloating further. Unfortunately that didn't work as soon his arms begun to fill out as well. "Oooh, Jay!! Jay come quick!"

In a flash he was out on the deck, watching as Zane's belt snapped off to show his blue belly off for all to see. Liquid could be heard sloshing loudly as he tried to waddle, it slowed to a halt the more his limbs shrank into his rounding body. His wrists, ankles and neck were completely gone, his belly wobbling and firming up as juice continued to pump into him. The last to swell up was his cheeks, puffing up so much he had a hard time speaking.

"Whoa.. You're huge!" Jay squeaked, slowly approaching the giant blueberry. Curious as to how he felt, the lightning ninja gave his inflated friend a poke. "It sure feels tight, like blueberry skin."

Jay placed his entire palm over Zane's new outie, hearing him whimper from how full he was. "Mmm.. Mmphh.." He moaned, trying to balance on his round groin. He was so full of juice he felt he could pop if one wasn't careful. "Mmmay?. Mmuhb.."

"Rub you? It should soothe you." The auburn ninja purred, rolling Zane onto his side and softly rubbing his giant belly. "There we go, it's okay Frosty."

The berry droid continued to whine and moan as he was rubbed, his cheeks wobbling from vibration. "You like that? I'll go further."

Zane whimpered as Jay begun to finger his navel, moaning and burping the further he went. Despite his cheeks making it hard to show his face, Jay knew he was smiling. "You make a cute berry, want me to roll you to bed?"

"Mmm.. Mwove.."

"Heh, love ya too Zane. Or should I say, Berrydroid." Jay chuckled, making sure not to press too hard as he pushed. "You're a huge water balloon, I can make a living with fruit drives."

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