Thief Proofing

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One disadvantage Yang's temple had over the ninja's old headquarters, the bounty was that there was no real security system. Although they didn't think there would be any thieves somehow making their way up to a floating temple, it wasn't like they had any advanced flying machines that could make their way up and carry any loot. That would be the case if they didn't forget that Ronin could still be a rat when he felt like it. "Since Nya's ditching the Samurai X stuff, I don't think she'd mind if I.. heh, 'borrowed' it for a few years." He chuckled to himself.

The auburn thief might not want to steal any more memories, but he still had a shady pawn shop to run. "While I'm up there I might as well have a little grub." Ronin thought as he took his flying mech, Rex up and to the temple. "I'm shocked that earth ninja would want to stay here after the whole becoming a ghost thing, guess something must have went down since Day of the Departed. Look at me, being stealthier than actual ninja."

Although it didn't last, as soon as he snatched up a single helmet the lights came on. Right in front of him was a milkshake machine hooked up to a hose. "Uh, what's goi-" but before he could finish his sentence, the hose shot directly into his open mouth. "Mrrph!!"

"How'd ya like that, Ronin? Since we couldn't get any alarms I had to improvise." Jay joked. He and the rest of the ninja were beside the shake machine, watching as the thief squirmed around. "How about we start off with some cookies and cream?"

With the flick of a switch, soft, sweet milkshake poured out of the hose. "Mrrphhh... Mmm." Ronin growled, although he couldn't resist the cool dessert for long. Rich vanilla ice cream mixed with bits of oreo poured down his throat, followed by some thick fudge sauce. Dairy is basically all fat, so it didn't take long for the trap to work its magic. His belly surged outwards like a massive water balloon, tinted a bright red from how bloated it was. His cheeks were a similar shade of red, from how embarrassed he was and how they strained before he could swallow a large intake of milkshake.

After the cookies and cream came double fudge peanut butter swirl, then mint chocolate chip, every new flavour was even sweeter than the last. Ronin would have enjoyed it more if he wasn't getting pinned to the ground by his weight, already his ass burst out of his pants and jiggled like two flabby beach balls. His shirt didn't last long either, tearing up by the seems thanks to a growing pair of soft moobs. Chipmunk cheeks complimented his new triple chin, completely covering up his neck. Even his fingers became soft and pudgy the more he drank, although he didn't know how much more he could take, stretch marks had now formed on his sides, struggling to fit any more shake down his gut. "Okay, I think that ought to do it!"

All the commotion quickly woke up Wu, thinking something large was attacking. "I thought I heard a low growl." He remarked, standing in shock at the massive blob of a thief wobbling in front of him. Once his lips were finally free from the hose, Ronin let out a burp so loud it shook the entire temple. He would have yelled at how fat he got, but his cheeks were so plump they muffled his voice. "Umm, quite an unorthodox way of dealing with trespassers, Jay. But how do we get him out of here?"

"Get him out? Oh gee, I didn't think that part through."

Furious, Ronin flopped forward in an attempt to crush the lightning ninja, only to result in him flailing around helplessly. "Hey cheer up will ya? You got some free milkshake out of the deal, right? Next time you want something, just ask, okay?"

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