A Dragon's Personal Balloon (GarmaClouse)

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Tomorrow would be the start of the tournament, however a certain warlock was in no mood for sleep until then. He needed some way to ensure that the ninja would be eliminated immediately, especially the green ninja. "No doubt Garmadon would saying one of his inspirational quotes to keep the group's moral high. If Lloyd is gone the others will fall apart quicker than when they lost their ice master." Clouse thought as he flipped through his spellbook. As magic wasn't considered an element he wouldn't be able to compete himself, but that didn't stop him from using his spells to tamper with the other contestants.

The only problem was how to do it discreetly, he knew the ninja weren't stupid. He also knew that Garmadon was onto him like a hawk, if he wasn't careful the entire plan will fall into ruins. "I know how much Garmadon's son loves his sweets, even as an adult. I'll just sneak a little something extra into his creamy biscuits before the first match, before he knows it he'll be completely petrified! And I don't mean in fear." Clouse purred to himself, "all I need is the perfect little concoction for the job."

However upon reaching for the potion he was looking for, a vial filled with a clear liquid got knocked over and spilt all over the surprised warlock. In an instant the potion soaked right through his skin. "Ack! It couldn't be anything too dange-" But before he could finish his sentence, a loud hissing sound was heard. "What the-"

Looking down, Clouse realized his belly was puffing up seemingly out of nowhere. It was as if he was being pumped full of air with how round his gut was becoming, now peaking out under his tightening shirt. "I gotta get the antidote!" He squeaked. He attempted to waddle when another surge of inflation pushed him forward, leaving him stuck in the doorway. "Ugh, I can't see how this could get any worse..."

"That you Clouse? Looks like you really let yourself go." A familiar voice purred, one the warlock was hoping not to hear. "Trying to sabotage my students chances in the tournament?"

"Sh-shut up Garmadon! Just get me out of here before I'm seen by anyone else!" Clouse demanded, struggling to wriggle free. His belly was now the size of a beach ball, but that wasn't the only part of him bloating up now. The warlock was pulled out with ease, landing right on top of his ex and smothering him under his soft gut. "I meant push me back so I can cure myself!"

"Well ya should have been more specific then." Garmadon smirked, the hissing started back up again as he stared at the inflating raven haired man, his own belly blowing up as well. "Mm, I never knew inflating was contagious. That feels pretty nice~" He moaned, giving his swelling belly a rub.

Clouse blushed hard, only to be snapped out of his daze when he heard fabric rip. "I can't let anyone see me like this!" He exclaimed, attempting to push the air out of his belly. That was soon stopped when his arms puffed out as well, sinking into his ever growing torso. He was inflating at a much faster rate than his old rival, as well as losing more of his outfit. His shirt was nothing more than tatters of cloth on the floor and his pants just barely held on to keep him decent. He would have commented about how embarrassed he was if his cheeks weren't puffing up last, making his voice muffled until he could barely moan.

"Mmm, swo fuww.." Garmadon moaned, his lips in a pout from how bloated his face became. The two ballooney old men squished together in the hall, barely recognizable from how round they had become. Their navels popped into outies the moment they were fully round, their wrists, necks and ankles had sunken in as well and were now completely useless. It would take the entire cult to roll them outside, if they had gotten any bigger it would have caused the entire building to crumble.

However this did give Chen an idea for a whole new event, Warlock Soccer.

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