Bite of the Bogialtilis (Greenflame)

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With the Mega Weapon all but destroyed, the ninja knew they wouldn't have to worry about Garmadon trying to summon up any new monster or pirate army to try and stop them. Now they could focus all their time on training the now seventeen year old Lloyd. "You sure you don't mind having to age up so quickly?" Kai asked him one day. "We could always get you some Yesterday's Tea to revert you ba-"

"I gotta be on my A game if I need to fight dad, besides, now I can stay up way past nine PM and go out on missions with you guys!" He was growing stronger every day under the wing of his four teachers, but he knew he only scratched the surface of his abilities.

It was unusual to have so much free time, but no one complained. That is until later that day, the Serpentine radar installed into the Bounty picked something up. "What? But that can't be possible! All the snakes should still be in Ouroboros." Nya exclaimed. She managed to pinpoint the location deep in the Forests of Tranquility. "Odd I hadn't picked them up until now, must have been burrowing their way into the city."

"Pft, way off give or take a few kilometers. Perfect time for us to do some ambushing!" Jay grinned, readying his nunchucks for a fight. "Then we'll bring those oversized earthworms here for a little interrogation."

"Don't you think that's a little harsh?"

"They've done way worse to us, Zane. Besides, we can bet whoever's there could be planning something big! We're gonna put and end to it before it even begins!"

Suiting up, the five Ninja raced to the Ultra Dragon. "You best be on your guard, the forest depths are so shrouded that barely any light gets through the trees. Nya and I will stay back and keep a closer eye on the serpent's movements." Wu called as they flew off. "Hopefully it's nothing too serious."

"In the meantime I can try to find out what tribe it is, the radar isn't pinpointing the exact species yet, but it will once it's out in the open."


"Anyone remember to pack a flashlight? Hey Zane can't you light up your head like you did back at Darkly's?"

"It's only useful in smaller areas Cole, out in the open it doesn't have a lot of range. Maybe Lloyd's energy power can light a small fire?"

As he was about to do so, the Green ninja heard something slither by. "That must be our runaway snake! Alright... Now let's get ready for that ambush."

Of course it was much harder than it looked, having to fumble about in the dark with no way of knowing where anyone was. "Aha! Gotcha!"

"It's me you iceblock!"

"Oh sorry Jay. Now this time I think I have it! Oh wait this is a log. Do you think we-"

But before Zane could finish his sentence, a sharp pain surged right up his arm. "Ow!! It must be a Fangpire, I got bitten!"

Rushing in to aid his friend, Cole ended up tripping over his two feet, only to be bitten as well. "We could really use that light, Lloyd!"

"Hiiiiiya!!.... I think my foot went in its mouth. OWOWOWOWWOWOOWOWOOWWOWOWO!!"

With three down and only two left, Kai and Lloyd stood back to back in case their Serpentine foe tried to sneak up from behind. But what they didn't expect was for it to tunnel underground and pop up in between them, sinking one fang each into their ankles. "Grrr, it must have gotten away." Kai growled, rubbing his bite mark. "Weird, I don't feel any different. Jay you were bitten right? Does it feel any similar to Once Bitten Twice Shy?"

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