All Greased Up

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Here's a request from 1x9meme !! Enjoy!

"Ooh.. I don't feel very well.." Zane groaned, his inner workings had been rusted pretty badly after their latest adventure arresting Ronin for impersonating a sea monster to gain the Keeper's treasures. He ended up swallowing a lot of seawater in the storm, he hoped this wouldn't lead into something bigger. "I'm betting that chicken might end up being more important however, urrgh.. Any luck drying me off?"

"Hey I'm working as fast as I can okay? It's hard to focus when your girl-"

"Hey! Don't spoil the ending to the latest season, just tell me the results, Jay."

"Sorry, but yeah you're about as red as that time Cole tried to get a tan and it ended up giving him real nasty sunburns all over his arms. Must have gone through at least ten bottles of aloe vera that day. But anyways I flushed the water out, but we still gotta deal with that rust somehow, and I don't think you'd like me poking around your insides with a scalpel."

Zane just groaned in response, he was in no mood to hear any of Jay's jokes. "I'd like to have done that when you tried growing your hair out and dyed it brown. Do you have any idea on how to get rid of all this rust?"

"Ummmm, lemme see now.. Oh I got it! Why don't you try drinking oil?"

"You want me to what now?!"

"I mean since you're a robot it won't be like you'll get sick or anything. Just guzzle down a pint of engine oil, maybe a handful of grease too and watch your gears lubricate away! Hey don't look at me like that, you got a better idea?"

Rolling his eyes, the droid watched as Jay rolled in two large tankers, one full of engine oil and the second full of grease. "I also got some antifreeze just in case, want me to make it into a nice smoothie bowl for ya? I think some strawberries could-"

"It would be a waste of fruit, just give me a big enough straw to drink out of and let's get this over with." The lightning ninja giggled as he hooked up Zane to the oil tanker. He groaned as he sucked away, so far it didn't seem to be doing much. "Oooorgh.. Must I drink the entire tank?"

"If it'll get rid of all that rust then it'll be all worth it, trust me!" Zane just shrugged as he continued to chug, his belly started to swell from all the liquid. Being a nindroid meant he had a wildly different digestive tract than his human teammates, anything he ate or drank would be instantly stored as fat if not used instantly. Not a good idea to indulge with how stiff he was, he was unsure how titanium can even end up rusted.

The grease was definitely not going to help matters, his belly was already sloshing about and piling up into his lap like a beach ball sized water balloon. Grease was much thicker than oil, causing his limbs to plump up alongside his jiggling gut. His arms grew soft and flabby, barely reaching over his swollen midsection while his thighs and hips tripled in size and became peppered in cellulite, sagging off the sides of the analyzing table he was lying on.

His butt was so round it caused him to nearly lift up a couple centimeters, finally his greasy face gained a double chin with soft puffy cheeks like a chipmunk's. "How do you feel now Zane?"

The droid was too full to speak, all he could muster was a loud, long belch. "Too.... Too full.."

Even if it did work Zane was still immobile from his extra girth, he must have been at least ten times his usual weight. Jay couldn't help but find him looking cute with how chubby he became, reaching over to stroke his exposed belly. "Heh, I never thought a droid could be this big." He chuckled, sinking a finger into his fat rolls. "You ought to be fully unrusted by now!"

All he got in response was another burp, stinking of engine oil and motor grease, followed by soft whining whenever the lightning master pressed down on any sensitive spots. He didn't want to admit it, but he rather enjoyed being a soft pile of fat.

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