Thunder Burps (Techno)

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"Whew, I feel like I might have burst but Zane's cooking is just so good!" Jay groaned, holding his taunt belly from last night's meal. As of lately Zane had been experimenting with new dishes and every one of them was the dictionary definition of delicious. While Cole ate a lot more, he burned most of it off whenever he tended to the dragon he insisted on taking with them back from the First Realm. Kai meanwhile only had a couple bites a day to keep himself from fainting in the forge.

"Jay? I made strawberry pancakes with rose water syrup for breakfast." Zane called the next morning. "I do hope he also likes the smoothie I made for him on the side, I want today to be extra special for him."

The scent and his growling belly lead the lightning master to waddle downstairs, he was still quite full from dinner but could never resist his boyfriend's cooking. "Umm, I was thinking maybe today I could have something lighter?"

"You know pancakes are best right off the stove and before the syrup soaks through, making it all soggy. At least have one." The nindroid insisted. "I made them special for you."

Zane knew he could never resist his cooking, watching as Jay took a small bite out of the top pancake. "Ooh.. These are so sweet! Do we have any cream? I like it better than the butter pats we usually use."

As Jay continued to eat he didn't notice that even more pancakes were stacked on his plate as he ate, making it seem like there was an unlimited supply. He ate so quickly that his belly started to swell full of gas, that is until a simple nudge from the table caused a massive fart to erupt from his soft rump. "Ack! I didn't think a few berries would make me that gassy!"

The nindroid giggled, watching as Jay kept on tooting from how much he ate. Once it was starting to slow, Zane got a can of whipped cream out. "You did say you wanted cream, I've got five whole cans of it."

The lightning ninja squeaked at just the thought of being filled with that amount of cream, but they were stopped short when the nozzle was shoved right into his mouth, filling up his already soft cheeks with airy cream. Once they started to get a red tint and stung, Jay swallowed it all down, his belly bloating even further the more he was fed. His pajama buttons popped off one by one the more he swallowed, letting his blubbery gut hang loose once the last one came off. The chair stuck to his plump bottom was reduced to a pile of splinters when it expanded from not just the fatty cream, but also the gas from the can.

Of course it couldn't stay bubbling in his bowels forever, eventually Jay had to release an even smellier fart. It didn't bother Zane one bit however, he even pressed down hard on the fat ninja's taut belly to make him release even more gas. "You're shaping up nicely, soft and round like your plushie."

"H-hey! Mind not mentioning Mr Cuddlywump while I'm turning the kitchen into a biohazard?" Jay belched, eventually his legs became too stubby to hold up his massive girth, the poor blue ninja tumbled backwards and broke the chair behind him as well. He was jiggling like a bowl of jello, much to the delight of Zane. "Was this some plan of yours to turn me into some giant waterbed?"

"I guess you could say that, I find it so fascinating how easily you were able to put on so much weight. And all that gas you had pent up, it's very amusing to watch." He giggled some more, burying his face in between his moobs. "Is it alright if I snuggle you some more?"

"Umm.. I guess, it does feel kinda nice being all blubbery. Just don't tell Nya about this, okay?"

Zane simply purred in response, kneeding his soft love handles as he laid there. "I love you my big, blubbery spark."

"Heh, love ya. Soon to be blubbery frosty."

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