Dark And Light

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The final part of the Overload Zane trilogy

Bursting out of the tree, the enormous Zane was rolled right into the city, accompanied by his now brainwashed teammates. Upon arriving he instantly belly smashed a line of cars, smirking as his flab almost completely absorbed them. "A lovely plump form my host has, and with no one to oppose me I can stay in this body for good!!" He cackled, his own tail smacking his bum cheeks.

But his destruction didn't go completely unnoticed, as a group watched in shock at what was once Ninjago's saviors now following the orders of the embodiment of evil itself. "How could he be back? We all saw Lloyd defeat the Overlord two months ago." Nya exclaimed, helping any onlookers away from the rampaging fatties.

"Defeat, not destroy. The Overlord as evil as he is, is important to the balance of Ninjago. One cannot have light without shadows, but it seems he's more willing to destroy the balance than ever." Garmadon answered. "He must have done something to coax Zane into being his new vessel. Wasn't he just supposed to keep any more dark matter from floating out into the ocean?"

"It shouldn't have affected him like this, he can get splashed with an entire tidal wave of dark matter and would easily brush it off."

"I know it would just run off his synthetic flesh, but what if it ended up in his system? It would explain how he got so... Umm, massive."

They couldn't talk for long as a blue talon stomped by, obviously it was just Jay, but was completely unrecognizable as a large dragon. "I remember him telling me I got pretty twisted when Kozu smeared that dark stuff all over my face, is that what happens if someone eats it? Wait, if there's Dark Matter could there be Light Matter?"

"That could be possible, as the dark island and Ninjago were once one whole land mass. It would have to be deep underground, Nya, you try and keep the five at bay. Garmadon and I will search for any supposed light matter."

Nodding, she got into her Samurai X mech as the two old senseis made off for the sewers. "That brute! He thinks he can corrupt my son?! I refuse to lose him again!" The elder of the two snapped as they kept going further into the earth.

The ceiling shook as the bloated dragons that were once their students wrecked havoc across the city above, but they couldn't stop now, not when they had hope for a possible resolution to it. Going further below the streets a golden light was visible, which could only mean one thing.

Rushing ahead, Garmadon found an underground lake of bright gold slime, it gleamed in the tiny cracks of light above. "This must be it, I'm coming Lloyd!"

Diving into the Light Matter, he opened his mouth as wide as he could, quickly taking in giant gulps. His new green gi begun to strain as his belly grew, but he didn't care much. His gut surged outwards, snapping his belt in an instant and letting his belly bloat freely. His limbs were covered in flab soon after, tearing up the sleeves with ease, leaving them as rags sinking to the bottom of the lake.

Finally every last drop was down his throat, turning his hair from grey to gold, much like how Zane turned purple before. But that wasn't all, claws sharpened on his hands and feet, in between his massive rump was a stocky tail and two large, golden wings grew out of his shoulder blades and his belly gained dark bronze markings resembling eyes. "Brother? You.. You-"

"No one gets in between me and my son, it's time the Overlord gets what's coming to him!"


Back above ground, Overload had blimped up to twice his size to terrorize the citizens of Ninjago city. "Aaah, the sweet sounds of those cowering in fear. I am now unstoppable!!"

But it wouldn't last long as a golden ball bowled into his massive frame. "You!! Unhand our students right now!" Garmadon snapped, sumo squatting against the possessed nindroid.

"So, it seems my former vessel wants to face me?" The purple mass of flab smirked, squatting as well. "And I can tell you've consumed every last bit of Light Matter I assumed was lost at sea."

Growling, the former lord rammed his soft gut against Zane's belly maw. "You messed with my son, so now you'll pay!!"

Crowds gathered as the two obese dragonlike beings sumo wrestling in the center of the city, as well as the four ninja struggling to regain control of themselves as their possessed teammate dueled with their older sensei.

"Whoa.. Is that Garmadon there? He looks so different now." Nya remarked, holding down her boyfriend.

"Yes, we found the light matter and he consumed it all. All to free Lloyd from the Overlord's curse." Wu added, getting the other three dragons to follow him and away from the fragile buildings. "I'm not sure if he can do it alone.."

"This is between me and him! He's going to pay for what he did to my boy!" Garmadon snarled, punching Zane's blubbery love handles as much as he could. Smirking, the corrupted ice ninja curled up into a giant wrecking ball to try and bowl him over.

Thanking fast, the golden blob forced Overload Zane's belly maw open. "Wha-let me go!! What do you think you're doing?!"

"You were defeated once by a golden dragon, and you will again!" Opening his mouth wide, Garmadon spewed gold fire down his throat.

Screeching in pain, the Overlord was forced right out of Zane's body. Now exorcist from the dark entit controlling him, he went limp into his friends' arms. Although the four of them were now human, they were still incredibly heavyset. However the droid still had a hint of purple on him as well as a tiny tail squish between his cheeks.

Garmadon was no different, just hinted gold. "Zane? Are you alright?"

Slowly opening his eyes, he was confused to find himself back in the city and surrounded by giant footprints and cracks in the roads. "Wha.. Where is he? He went right down my throat and then... Then... I just blanked out."

"It's alright, it's all over now. He's gone, but it seems the weight had remained."

"Dad!!" Waddling up to him, Lloyd pulled his old man into a chubby bear hug. "You really saved us back there. I thought we'd be stuck as dragons for life.."

Feeling a surge of pride swell in his chest, Garmadon picked him up and kisses his forehead. "You know I'd go as far as to move mountains for you Lloyd. Of course I'm not sure what you're mother would think of all this weight."

"Hey, as long as I'm not a corrupt hungry dragon I'm sure she won't mind."

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