I Eat Alone Ft Clutch Powers

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Upon finally recovering and publishing his novel, Clutch Powers was satisfied he finally got his membership at the Explorer's Club renewed thanks to the whole ordeal. "Hopefully it'll last for at least 2030, I know I won't need to go anywhere near those ninja again."

The former Lego city archeologist moved to Ninjago upon finally discovering the fate of his dad and whatever the Omega was. Let's just say it didn't end well, as in they were one and the same. "And disowned on the spot when I wouldn't leave my team, turned me off adventuring for years now. 'Course that's a story for a potential sequel."

Along the way just so happened to be an ad for a whole new tropical resort. "Come see the new remote island of Draconian, where no request is too large. That sounds like paradise, better make my booking today!"


"I have to share a room?! Well fine, least this place got two single beds so I won't need to sleep next to him. Now just to set some ground rules for the newco-"

As it turns out he would just so happen to go near one of the ninja again, the one in question being Kai who was dragging a suitcase behind him. "I didn't think I'd be sharing with you."

"What are you doing here anyways? Shouldn't you ninja guys be out saving the world for the umpteenth time?"

"There hasn't been any attacks lately, so Wu let the six of us go have some time off. I thought this Draconian resort would have been a nice getaway, until I found out every single room was booked and had to sit in with-"

"Well I wasn't the one who suggested it! Don't make me draw a line down the room."

Grumbling, Kai laid back on his own bed. "Why do they call this place Draconian anyways? Got nothing to do with dragons, not ev-"

"Room service!" A voice called from the door, only for a tray full of different desserts to roll in. "Hey don't look at me, I didn't order anyt- hey is that ice cream mochi?"

Rushing over to the food cart, Kai begun to stuff himself with the frozen dessert. "Save some for me will ya!" Clutch exclaimed, managing to get a hold of a manju. "Ugh, hope this stuff hasn't got your germs all over it."

As the duo ate, they didn't realize that someone was watching them, smirking widely. "Buurrrrp! I'm totally stuffed, gonna just take a walk around."

Kai meanwhile got the phone and begun ordering more room service. "I think I'll get the soufflé pancakes this time, topped off with cream, chocolate shavings and boba pearls! And maybe some omurice on the side, don't skimp on the bonito flakes now okay? You making that ketchup in house huh? Next time I'm definitely bringing Skylor along! Oh! And a big jug of milk tea, top it off with a cheese tart will ya?"

This went on for quite a while now, the more he ate the larger he became. His chubby cheeks were constantly filled up with the desserts and fried food, all going right to his waist with haste. His belly surged outwards, puffing up from how much sugar and fat he consumed.

His hoodie zipper popped off almost instantly, letting his gut spill out onto his thunder thighs like a fleshy apron. Speaking of thunder thighs, his jeans were easily torn up from them alongside his beach ball sized butt cheeks. His red briefs starting to ride up his crack the more he swelled, soon it was the only article of clothing left in him. Kai's soft love handles began pouring over the sides of his bed, that is until it completely cracked under his girth.

"Aha, I ssssee you've been enjoying yourssssself." A voice hissed. He could tell it was Serpentine, but it wasn't anyone he recognized. "Did you not think what Draconian rearranged ssssspellssssss?"

"Urgh.. Wait.. Draaoinnc? No.. Umm Ana.. Arna.. Anacondrai?!"

Soon the room became filled with the purple snakes. "But.. Didn't Pythor eat the rest of his tribe? You were all trapped underground right??"

"Oh he did eat quite a lot of usssssss, but the resssst dug our way out! We've been living here for yearsssss now, repopulating the Anacondrai race until we can risssse again!!" The lead snake smirked, throwing Clutch onto the bed beside him. "Sssssstuff him up too! I could ussssse extra amussssement."

Now it was time for the former archeologist to be fattened up, plenty of desserts shoved down his throat. The serpents watched with glee as soft flesh billowed out from the broken seems of his clothes, leaving him as a helpless blob in mere seconds. Kai just watched on in horror, knowing he couldn't help in the state he was in. "I knew the Bogialtilissssss venom wassss a good addition for the food!"

"Grrr.. Well you got us, now what are ya gonna do? Eat us?!"

"Eat you? Now that you're too big to fit into my mouth? I just needed some extra pillows for my throne room. Don't worry I'll let you go at the end of the story where you all magically become thin again." The Anacondrai laughed, snuggling up between the two blobs. "Mmm, you feel so heavenly."

"Ummm... Thanks. I guess.."

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