Lloyd Garmadon in Fatterland

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Today was a day unlike any other in the land of Ninjago, not that Lloyd would have noticed since he wasn't there at this moment. What went from stopping Kruncha and Nuckal from robbing a bank (disguised as two different Lloyds for some reason) lead to him tumbling down a hidden trapdoor and onto a giant mushroom. "Whoa, this is like some kind of wild fever dream. Either that or I just discovered a new species of fungi."

Adjusting himself to his new surroundings, the green ninja found that his usual gi was replaced with a turquoise dress adorned with a white apron at the front and dress shoes on his feet. "Oh boy, I think I know where this is going." He grumbled, brushing the dirt off his new dress. "Well while I'm down here I might as well have a little fun."

Just across of him was a table, atop it a cookie jar and a mug full of creamy, sweet looking hot cocoa. "If I remember that story, the drink shrinks you down while the pastries make you a giant. Better be sure to remember getting the key before shrinking down into the door."

However when he took a sip out of the hot drink, he found his belly expanding before his very eyes. "Hey! This never happened in the book.." He squeaked, poking his newfound paunch. "Heh, it's so jiggly. Ugh pull yourself together Lloyd! Maybe that cookie will slim me down."

Bad idea, when he took a bite he felt his butt gurgle and bloat. Finding a nearby mirror, he watched as his once flat rear filled out until his green briefs rode up his crack. "Ooh~ well at least now I got a bigger butt than Zane. Hopefully this stuff wears off soon, I need to be in top shape to take down those two boneheads. Then again I could always crush them under my booty."

There was little else to be found in the dark room, so Lloyd decided to find a way into what he assumed to be Wonderland. "Okay, there's a lot more cake than I expected here. You sure this isn't supposed to be Cole's Wonderland?" He joked, his chub wobbling as he went through this strange new land.

"Hey there cutie, what's a tiny guy like you doing here?"

"Kai?" Turning around, Lloyd was met with his crush, but he was now the fattest ninja he had ever seen. His moobs rolled down to where his elbows would be, atop a massive soft belly growling loud enough for anyone miles away to hear. "Whoa... You're so big."

"I am aren't I? The bigger the better here, and whoever has the biggest butt gets to make all the decisions." Kai grinned, booty bumping the flustered green ninja. "You're so adorable little greenie. But I bet you'll look even cuter with more weight on ya."

"You-you really think so? I never thought being fat could make one cute."

Scooping him up, Kai pressed him down into his belly flab, hearing his muffled squeaks. "I'll just have to fill you up then." With a snap, a funfetti cake appeared in his hand. "Looks like you already had some growth spurts, but not nearly enough. Open wide... Umm, I don't think I got your name."

"It's Lloyd, Lloyd Garmadon. You know you remind me of someone I have a thing for, except he's not nearly as big."

"Really now? Well he can't match up to me!" Kai grinned, stuffing Lloyd's mouth with the cake. "You like?"

"Mmm, its so light and fluffy. Hey, isn't there supposed to be a mad party full of food? I bet I could get really big there!"

"Have you been here before?"

"Nah, I just read it in a book once. And there was that awful live action film, but the less said about that the better. Let's go!"

Along the way the duo munched away at any pastries they came across growing right out of the ground, bloating all the while. Most of the fat on Lloyd went right to his hips and butt, causing his stockings to tear up at the seems with tanned flesh popping out, flowing in the breeze. Meanwhile Kai's belly grew so large it was now skidding across the soft grass, blocking the view to his feet. "Zane, Jay, Cole! We got ourselves a little scrawny, you got any more of that Obesitea? He looks like he could use a whole pot!"

"Oh yeah, we definitely got our work cut out for ourselves. Get the kettle boiling Zane."

Wobbling over to the tiny ninja, the nindroid poured the entire contents of the pot down into Lloyd's mouth, watching as he swallowed it all down. "Tastes kinda like milk tea, I wonder if this is where Wu gets his special teas fr-"

But before he could finish his sentence, his belly started to bloat up before his very eyes, it was pumping up like an overinflated balloon. "Ah! Well I guess it ain't called obesitea for nothing." He giggled, hearing his dress tear to shreds and finally be reduced to a pile of tattered cloth on the ground. Turning his now flabby neck around, he saw as his thunder thighs and bubble butt tripled in size, sinking all the way down to the grass and letting him wobble about with just the slightest touch. "Burrp!! Excuse me. Whoa, boy do I feel exhausted.."

He was now basically a giant blob of flabby rolls with barely a head sinking into his multitude of chins and enormous cheeks, whatever was left of his hands and feet were covered up by even more flab that covered his limbs. "Nice and blobby. Just what I love in a man." Kai cooed, wobbling his way to the massive mound of flesh that was once the green ninja. "But I think it's high time we get him back to his own world wouldn't you say? I've already got an even bigger Lloyd here!"


"Ah!! Help! We're crushed under the mass of a hippo!!"

"How dare you! I'm way heavier than any old hippo Kruncha!" Lloyd giggled, flapping his tiny hands as he was rolled back to the Bounty. "Um, I guess it is pretty hard to move. A small price to pay being so fab."

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