Valentine's Marshmallows (Greenflame)

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Here's another story idea suggested by Snakebosssss ! Some fat, gooey ninjas

"Happy Valentine's Day Lloydie. I can tell you liked the little gift I sent to ya." Kai chuckled, watching as his boyfriend stuffed himself full of chocolate covered strawberries. "You got melted chocolate and berry juice all over your face! Ah ah, don't get a napkin. I'll take care of it for ya."

Lloyd blushed hard as the fire ninja licked at his chubby cheeks, finishing it off with peck on his cheek. "Did anyone tell you that you have the softest, smoothest skin? It's like a squishy marshmallow."

"Really now, am I as sweet as one too?" He squeaked, nuzzling up against his boyfriend. "Speaking of marshmallows, there's a limited edition of chocolate filled marshmallows that I really wanna get! They're supposed to be red velvet flavoured with a cream cheese outer layer, nice and sweet with a nice tang from the apple cider vinegar. I'd have preferred something in green but that stuff's always saved for Earth Day."

"I know Wu would say to cut back on the sweets, but I say go right ahead and eat until dawn! I know I will, Cole already had all of Zane's heart shaped cupcakes." Kai remarked, patting his boyfriend's soft gut. "Getting a bit pudgy there are we? Have you been snacking behind my back?"

"Heehee, nooo~"

"You know whenever you make those eyes I can tell you're lying, you've also got melted candy all over your gi! Aww, I can't say no to someone as adorable as yourself. I could go for some milk jelly while we're there."

Taking his wallet, the couple were at downtown Ninjago City, stuffing their cheeks with as much candy as humanly possible. Their casual attire (which was usually really baggy, unlike their tight gi) was straining hard as it tried to keep the couple covered up, however Kai's jean zipper popped right off after just one last ice cream filled mochi, followed by Lloyd's hoodie riding up his bloating belly. Thankfully the candy store wasn't too busy when they pigged out or else it might have made the front page. "There's those marshmallows you wanted, they do look pretty sweet. Hope they're not like the Puff-Puff brand we tried out in the last oneshot, but I bet they'll be just as delectable."

The marshmallows in question were like heaven on the lips, not too sweet to completely blow one's taste buds away and had the perfect amount of acidity from the red velvet flavouring. However as they ate they failed to notice they were becoming much more pale, not to mention squished about like a real marshmallow. "Huh, that's weird. I definitely smell like a marshmallow, but how come we didn't puff up like one?" Lloyd remarked, poking his bloated belly. "Heh, at least our clothes didn't rip."

Kai smirked, knowing very well their inflation will happen soon. "It's getting warmer outside, let's enjoy it before the snow starts up again." Much sooner than he thought apparently, especially if you know what happens when a marshmallow makes contact with heat. The marshmallow fluff that formed their new hair caramelized in a matter of seconds, but that wasn't nearly as eye catching as their fluffier bellies expanding under the sun.

"Aah, there's that inflation." The green (well more like a really pale green) ninja moaned, watching as his hoodie was ruined by so much melted marshmallow oozing out from under the seems. "Think we might end up fusing from how melted our asses are? My legs already melted together into a globby tail~"

Kai would have responded if his voice wasn't muffled from how puffy his cheeks became, both pairs rounding out as the heat was on. Of course being a fire elemental might have also played a big part in it, he knew just one spark would be enough to end up with the entire city being covered in burnt marshmallow goo. "Mm~ All I know is your soft booty feels so good pressed against mine. You think I'll stay this close? Kai?"

Lloyd got his answer when the pair bloated some more, now engulfing whole buildings inside their fat frames. Burnt, melted bits of the campfire treat littered the streets while skyscrapers topped from the weight of the giant ninja. By this point their cheeks were filled to the limit, making them unable to let out even the tiniest muffle and putting their full lips into a constant pout. It seemed like there was no end to how much they were expanding, they might even outsize the entire city at the rate they were going. Of course the lovebirds didn't mind at all, as long as they got to spend quality time together for Valentine's Day, even if they were ever growing marshmallow boys.

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