Green With Hunger

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After having to suffer for so long and being deceived by someone he thought he could relate to, Lloyd took a sigh of relief the moment he saw Harumi being taken into the police van. He couldn't believe everything that happened. "How could I have been so easily fooled? I should have known something was off the moment she started talking badly about the royal family, like for the hundredth time. I think Mystake mentioning her sudden interest in the history of the first realm should have done something too." The green ninja grumbled.

"Hey, we all got taken in by her act, funny that the three masks all reflect her true actions." Kai chuckled, patting his back. "Hey at least we managed to stop her before yet another bad guy unleashes the massive threat they soon lose control over, right?"

"I guess. Ugh, I would have treated her to a fate worse than prison if I had my way with her." Lloyd snorted. "I won't stoop to her level of attempting to drown someone but prison is too good for someone who was so revenge obsessed she was willing to tear apart someone's family. Boy this is gonna take a while to figure out, thinking really works up an appetite."

The blonde's belly growled as he was trying to think up a plan, he wasn't exactly the best when it came to revenge. "Wu did tell me about this weird Serpentine girl he befriended who loved to talk about revenge, of course that's never gonna happen. Wait, serpentine? I know Pythor swallowed one of the judges of that singing contest to try and keep the guys from winning that third Fangblade, heh. I think I know just what to do now." Of course he wasn't going to tell his team about this, while they were busy at the karaoke machine he snuck off for Kryptarium.

He brought along his trusty katana just in case, as well as a jar of honey mustard and a bag of fried onions to season her with. "What do you expect me to just swallow her plain? She might be salty but not enough for decent seasoning." He said to no one in particular. Her cell was just in sight, the guard nowhere in sight. "Good, the last thing I want is anyone to get in the way of my own revenge."

Harumi was just grumbling on her bed as the green ninja approached, she was changed out of her black outfit into the usual orange prison garb. "Wow, I'm just glad they didn't have black and white stripes. I failed to resurrect Lord Garmadon and my entire team is arrested, how could this get any worse?"

She jumped the moment her cell door broke open, a dark figure approaching. "Oh my lord, I knew you would come. You heard my-"

But before Harumi could finish her sentence, she was grabbed by the hips. "Hey! Just what do you think you're doing?!"

"Delivering a more appropriate punishment." Was all Lloyd said as he shoved her headfirst into his mouth. She kicked and squirmed as best as she could, but the green ninja didn't even choke. His dragon side shone through as he forced Harumi further down his throat, purring as he watched as Harumi disappeared into his mouth. His belly stretched to accommodate such a huge prey tumbling down into his warm, damp gut. Lloyd groaned the further his belly stretched outwards, the top of his gi tearing up from how much it strained. "Mmn, you feel so good in my belly~"

"Lloyd what the hell?! Why did you swallow me?!" Harumi screamed, she would have kicked him if she wasn't completely curled up from the cramped space inside. "Ugh, it reeks of sake in here."

"Mm, I may have had a drink or two before I came over. Oh yeah~ Kick all you want, I'm part dragon so I can swallow anything and keep it down~" Lloyd purred. He had to sit down from how huge his belly got, rubbing wherever Harumi headbutted him. His gut looked more oblong than round, like he swallowed a large gourd. It was firm to touch and one could feel someone inside, Lloyd let out the occasional burp whenever the evil princess hit any sweet spots in his belly. "You're stuck in there Rumi, might as well get used to it~"

As he laid back, mindlessly rubbing his belly, Lloyd heard the wall crumble beside him. "Erm, is this a bad timing?" Lord Garmadon awkwardly asked.

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