The Avrora Heresy

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The lyrics for 'Zero' are just 'Unsung War' in a choir with more echo.

Somewhere in Federation airspace

F-22 Raptors and the Arsenal Bird Terra continue to shadow over a fleet of flying colossus and their escorts of Su-33 Flanker Ds. No matter how much their instruments IDed them as blue, their radar spiking them, their fingers fought the urge to press the red button on their stick. One of the squad leaders of the F-22s recently finished communicating with the fleet.

His voice came baffled, betrayed, and remorseful. "Control this is 1-1-4, the Chandelier Fleet is moving under the direct order of the Deputy Secretary-General. I say again, Her Excellency Kalasinova has gone rogue."

Terran Capital

"Move it!"

"Get the civilians inside!"

The siren continued to blare. Off-duty soldiers began leading civilians inside buildings and air-raid shelters. The entire city turned desolate; streets cleared except for the garrison. Air-defense systems slowly tracked the incoming fleet, anti-air units scattered around the streets and rooftops locking on with their stingers and manning triple-As.

Soldiers at the city walls hunkered down as the fleet approaches.

Capital Command

"I say again. Chandelier fleet, stand down now."


The comms officer shook his head grimly.

Office of the Secretary-General

Y/N never stopped moving his pen nor skip a single line of text on the myriad of parchment stemming from international and national matters. He left the cold glass of water beside him untouched. Suddenly, sirens blared throughout the city.

A storm formed; a storm that can't be seen from the mortal eye, emitting restless thunder. He felt a strong evil presence from above, and then his window turned dark, followed by a loud howl echoing outside. Jet engines joined the noise pollution over the capital. But all Y/N did was continue writing.

He can hear from the outside of his office the staff running amuck and armed guards giving orders from this unknown chaos.

A staff rushed in, knocking at his door, which he opened. The breathless man who must've rushed all his way to his office gave a salute before giving his report.

Over the course of hearing it, his expression didn't falter.

"Get me Air Defense Command... now."

Polaris 1—the squadron leader of Polaris Team under the Chandelier fleet—had his Su-33's instruments ringing endlessly, hearing orders to stand down. The entire capital air-defense net should be locked on to us, he thought, but he paid no mind. 

It's surprising she didn't just round up everyone—just them. 

"This is your final warning. Divert your course now or you will be shot down."

For the first time in his life, and probably everyone else in the Chandelier fleet, he felt scared. This might as well be the first actual combat they trained for. The Raptor pilot flying beside him had a grim look on his face. He could've sworn he shook his head to him. Not a lot was keen on shooting their comrades after all. Especially when he's flying a piece of junk compared to the Raptor.

Armed Enlightenment Book 1 (Practice Story [My other stories are better])Where stories live. Discover now