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Three days have passed after the most famous raid in the world's recent history that was being called 'The Ludius Raid'. To say that the three days of inaction of the Japanese and Terran forces other than naval blockading the capital would be to let that fact sink in and deepen Papaldia's wound as the 73 nation coalition begins to encroach on their land.

In those three days on the other side of the world, the villagers from Coda village scattered around different towns, cities, and villages. Meeting with many people as they passed, sharing the story of a band of the otherworlders' army escorting them to their safety and slaying the ancient flame dragon that reigned terror over Falmart every fifty years.

The listeners' imaginations were easily stirred when they heard the survivor's words. It felt like utter sophism, but because the witnesses had seen it with their own eyes, and when each was asked how it went, they would say the same exact thing that only solidified their claim.


It was in a tavern in a certain town. Some villagers in Coda managed to land a job as a waitress there. The people inside listened to her intently as she recalls the events to the letter that it felt very true.

A few knights sat in the corner of the rowdy tavern filled with guests. The place was so noisy that one might not be able to hear what was being said at a nearby table unless one shouted. Amidst this noisy atmosphere, the knights sat around a table reaching out with their hands for food and holding their cups full of wine.

"Sir Norma, what do you think?" One of the knights,  Hamilton Uno Ro, asked her comrade about the latest rumor that shocked the lands.

"What do I think? The bar is filthy, the wine's nasty, and so is the food." The knight, Norma Co Igloo complained.

"Norma, we're on a secret mission to Alnus hill, and we're talking about the Fire Dragon." The older and experienced knight, Grey Co Aldo, lectured the inexperienced junior.

Princess Pina, who has been quietly listening between the stories being said by the villagers and her subordinates' conversation, interrupted in a stern tone.

"You're too loud. Hamilton, continue."

"Right. This rumor is spreading like wildfire. A band of the otherworlder's army, while evacuating the residents of Coda Village..." She trailed off on the last part. "M–Managed to kill the Flame Dragon."

"There are all kinds of dragons." Norma remained skeptical of the claim. "From ancient dragons to newborn dragons, and winged dragons too."

Suddenly a new voice joined in the conversation.

"It was a real flame dragon, sir knight."

The same waitress who had been sharing the story earlier arrived and placed the large pot of refill they ordered earlier.

Norma laughed and brushed off the claim.

"You can't fool me!"

His skepticism was understandable, but after experiencing something like a dragon attack and saw her fellow villagers dying, it pinched a nerve on the waitress.

"I saw it with my own eyes!" She retorted.

"Now now, please don't mind him. We all know how prideful and muscle-headed these kinds of knights are." Someone defused the situation.

The knights and the waitress looked towards a girl in a light brown trench coat of the Tsar's finest sitting alone in the corner near them with a listlessly cold glare piercing Norma that made him meek and behave obediently.

Armed Enlightenment Book 1 (Practice Story [My other stories are better])Where stories live. Discover now