No fighting in the War Council

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                              -COMING DOWN THE MOUNTAINSIDE

It was a grand room that was meant for guests and visitors. Commanders of the volunteer forces of different kingdoms gathered. The federal aligned nations and dependencies didn't need a representative since they were still a de facto commonwealth to prepare for their independence and were represented by the Federation. They numbered at 25,000 including their dependencies and aligned nations. Mostly Terran and acted as the storm troopers to make a breakthrough in the frontline.

The northern region kingdoms only sent a small contingent and supplies to defend the city and were incapable of contributing to the frontline push. The southern region kingdoms, although many, were only meant to be the bulk of the frontline line troops that kept the front under control and they knew that they couldn't go face to face with an army with firearms.

Jomon, the country that contributed the most in manpower with 30,000. The only country a bit behind in land warfare but on par with Weissenheer's forces besides the Federation.

With Terran airpower and isolation tactics, the strategy was to deny information from the front from reaching the rebel leaders within occupied territories and wash away the traitors in a single stroke.

Y/N's group and the imperial family were greeted by the commanders once they entered the room.

The Kaiser stepped forward followed by his family, bowed and spoke respectfully. "Esteemed Commanders and Generals... I present the deepest gratitude on behalf of the empire for you to have come to our aid. We will never forget this act of grace as long as this empire stands."

The commanders, mostly from the Southern Region were flustered as they see the Kaiser of a strong empire bowing to them with respect. The only ones who remained calm were two women in Meiji era uniforms. One with a kind smile and the other with a neutral to cold expression.

"We're honored to receive your grace, mein Kaiser." The Jomon with white hair spoke. "I am Major Tanya Degu- Seitouchafu of the 103rd Mage Rifles Battalion and my colleague over here is Imperial General Kuro of the imperial palace... officially, she's in charge but in reality, she's just a recruit that hasn't passed training yet in my book." She said, making the girl next to her pout.

(Yes I changed her name because Mijikayo is rather too subtle even for me.)

After their short greeting, they then begin the war council. Along the way, Major Tanya couldn't help but take a few peeks on the Terran soldiers. "~Automatic rifles~" she muttered, making some Secret Service operators turn their heads towards her and slowly put their fingers on the trigger, making her tense which was unprecedented of the one known as the "Devil of the Shinano" but was able to conceal it as they continued with the council.

She made a short sigh with grief as she pulled out her locket within her amulet and opened to see a photo of a blonde little girl that resembled the same look on her face. An apathetic look but more cynical, wearing a german empire-like uniform wearing the iron cross and the photo of a brunette girl in her early to mid-twenties. 'If only we had those then maybe...' she thought to herself but was cut off as she redirected her attention to the briefing instead of regretting if she could have done more.

' she thought to herself but was cut off as she redirected her attention to the briefing instead of regretting if she could have done more

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