The start of the Crusades

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"Where am I...?"

There was but an empty white void with strings of mana and mathematical equations. The void seemed endless and there was no concept of time. A single figure muttered to herself in the vast emptiness, curious about her new surroundings.

That figure was no other than Hilda.

A memory surge came in the form of a sharp headache, dropping her to her knees as every detail of her life came flooding into her brain. A minute, an hour, she didn't know how long it was, but she finally recovers from the sharp pain.

After remembering the last few minutes of her memory, it all made sense now. As Hilda was about to wallow in her despair, there was a great disturbance in the void. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out their woes and was suddenly eased of their burdens. And suddenly there was a figure of a boy. Hilda froze in shock as she saw his face. It was Y/N and he was busy before her, scrolling on his phone. His face expressed like the living, and his suit was white as light. Then Avrora, Kar, and the rest also appeared before her, conversing with him.

So Hilda slowly walked to them, wondering if it was real. While she was closing in, a bright light overshadowed them, and a majestic female voice from the light, said, "This is my one true hero, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him."

When Hilda heard this, she was overwhelmed with fear and threw herself on her back, trying to make a hasty retreat, but her legs fell numb. But Y/N came, knelt, and touched her shoulder. "Get up," he said. "Do not be afraid."

When she looked up, all she saw was Y/N alone in the empty void. "You're fine. I accept your fealty. Now come on, get up." She could feel the warmth of his hands as he lifted her and placed her right arm around the top of his back as support, but confused on where they're going. However, a golden light manifests itself in front of them, and a woman in white appeared.

"Goddess Ilia..." she mutters. The woman gave off the same divine aura that resonates around the sacred blade she carried in her heart. But what made all the more surprising was that once the golden glow faded, it was a familiar face.

"C—Colonel L/N...?!" She thought. Hilda was at a loss on what to do. The goddess, the one who rules over the world, was Y/N's sister. Does that mean Y/N himself is a god? Not the gamer point of view, but a divine being?! She gave Y/N a sidelong glance with shock. Her body stiffened as it cannot comprehend the shocking discovery. But they didn't seem to mind her reaction.

"I thought you said I shouldn't be worried about a single thing!" Y/N said to Ilia questioningly.

"It still is. All part of my master plan."

"Your master plan of dramatically handing me one of your leftovers?" he retorts as Ilia approaches and helps to support Hilda up. "Ilia, you've instigated a war." he said with all seriousness.

"Ken - I will stand by for your orders."

That was the last thing Hilda heard and saw before everything turned black. She opened her eyes almost immediately, and she found herself blinded by a light above her. From her position, Hilda was lying down. She felt something pricking on her left index finger, so she lifts her hand, shocked to see an object and a long, thin tube transferring a liquid coming from a transparent bag to her left.

She placed her right hand to her chest, feeling her heart beating. The monitor to her left increases its repetition as if tracking her heartbeat.

"Good. You're finally awake." a voice said to Hilda.

It was Y/N, alive and well, sitting on the seat to her right. Without any explanation, he placed her hidden blade on the table, the same knife she stabbed herself with, and said, "Wheels up on 30. Don't be late." and left.

Armed Enlightenment Book 1 (Practice Story [My other stories are better])Where stories live. Discover now