A case of the Bruh Moment after a PogChamp

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The city of Tokyo was an overwhelmingly beautiful sight, even in darkness. Compared to the haunting silence and eerie environment that the night poses where haunting creatures lurk, the city was brimming with colorful lights far greater than any of the world has seen.

Watching from the window of a hotel somewhere in Tokyo was Zero... Y/N, sitting on his bed that exposed the beauty of the city, one that was worth waking up to, clearly mesmerized by its splendor. It has been a long time when he could just sit back, relax, and savor the sight. Even their made-up country couldn't compare to the aesthetics of the city. Everything he summons was military-related, so it will take years to reform the utilitarian state into a flourishing modern city.


A feminine voice called out to him from behind. He couldn't sense her entry which only led to only one possible explanation. At the dim pathway leading towards the room's entrance, he could barely see the figure illuminated by the city lights. Even so, he knew who it was like it was second nature.

 Even so, he knew who it was like it was second nature

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"Oh, hey, buddy. You're still awake at this time?" He asks. The clock has already struck past midnight.

"I can say the same thing to you." She took off her mask that covered her wry smile. "Well... putting that aside, can I come in?" She says as she snuggles right next to Y/N, watching the bright city lights.

"So, what's up?" He casually says.

"Anna and Enty next door are out cold. Well, mostly because Anna hasn't got a good night's sleep for a while and I forced Enty to, so... you're all I got."


Both glanced at each other and shared a little laugh. It was late at night. There was no work, no pressing matters to tend to, and anything stressful for the next two days. It was just two individuals who both trusted each other with their lives who have been there for each other during hard times.

Y/N faced Avrora who was still giggling while resting her head on his shoulder. Her gentle warmth, her beautiful smile, and her sweet laugh reminded him of the time back when things were "normal". It reminded him of why he fell for her. He never stops to consider and humbles himself as only a lucky guy from one in a billion.

As soon as Avrora calmed herself down, Y/N was still left enchanted by her beauty, illuminated by the city lights. Her violet eyes reflected the light like a mirror that gave her a radiating gaze. Seeing him in that state was a rewarding feeling that she leaked a proud smirk.

And with a teasing smile, she said, "What's wrong? Am I really that beautiful?" She snickers with pride.

He brushed it off with a laugh. "It would be a lie if I say no. Frankly, it's been months that I've become flustered. I wish things stay—"

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