Dark Waters

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"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength."
-George Orwell

South Sea

30 nautical miles from Valence

2nd Fleet Carrier Strike Group 5

In an effort to resolve the long-time issue of sea monster attacks, the navy was ordered to develop new tactics to influence the sea monsters. In order to carry out the objective, naval command, with the help of behavioral specialists and with the consideration of the conservation of native wild animals, classical conditioning was the most likely idea where they have to produce a proper conditioned response that ensures the safety of traveling ships.

After the presentation in front of the members of the Federal Congress, it was quickly approved and Y/N ordered to immediately carry out the mission and so far, results have been positive. Wooden ships were made to become the conditioned stimulus. Armed with anti-tank weapons with support of modern warships, the idea was to lure sea monsters to attack the wooden ships and inflict massive amounts of damage coming from the wooden ships. So far, the results garnered favorable responses from the sea monsters. It was later hypothesized that the collective reactions of the sea monsters were similar to primates. As the saying goes, monkey sees, monkey do.

Inside the bridge of the flagship of CSG 5, The FNS Foxhound, an unsettling discovery was made.

"Captain, we're detecting multiple radio transmissions from 100 bogeys in a naval formation at a distance of 45km bearing Southeast of the fleet. These things are ancient..."

Surprised by the news, the captain became serious and tense and inquired more about the matter.

"Can you tap into their comms?"

"Already done. Their tech level is at least late interwar to 1943, I can do it without getting noticed. Amplifying transmission... receiving in 3... 2... 1..."

The discovery of the existence of a WW2 era technology made everyone in the bridge tense. So far, the most advanced nation in the continent was from the 1900s era and was a kingdom inhabited by high elves with a nasty attitude who preferred to live in seclusion and only involved itself with internationally just to get by but it was a surreal experience as stated by a former Estfalian delegate to the general information bureau during an assembly.

"$&$!? This is the destroyer "Urek", sWe've spotted land at the north of us."

"Understood, we're sending the 23rd carrier squadron and the West Imperial judgment force to identify their civilization's level."

"Aye aye, we'll maintain course towards the land.-"

The crew inside the bridge remained speechless from the possible threat. The captain begins to contemplate his options and suddenly made his orders.

"Inform the entire fleet and naval command of their existence. Change course heading 060, order the destroyers Area 51 and Fort Knox along with the submarine Kuril to intercept the unknown lead destroyers and hail them and I want an F-35 on the air ASAP."

The crew began to work in their stations quickly to carry out the captain's order. Alarms on each ship began to sound off and an announcement was made on the discovery. The entire second fleet and naval command were informed of the shocking discovery.

Armed Enlightenment Book 1 (Practice Story [My other stories are better])Where stories live. Discover now