Case Swabia I: diplomacy

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"The soft power of science has the potential to reshape global diplomacy."
                                                 -Ahmed Zewail

3rd Person POV
Next day
0935 hours

It was yet another peaceful day for the soldiers in the central base Terran. Everyone was doing their routine objectives, others spending their free time until suddenly, the sounds of the public announcement system sirens engulfed the base, getting every troop in the base's attention. The voice of the announcer then began speaking.

PA: Attention all personnel. Standby for Secretary-General L/N.

Sirens then again sounded off. Until another voice spoke on the PA system.

Y/N: Brave soldiers of the old world, I know we're tired. Tired of being confined to the new world— a world swarmed by the darkness of evil, waiting to fight back, knowing every single day, a life has been taken away by the hands of evil. We will ensure they were not in vain. We will now commence the first-ever offensive against them— but we should not let their evils cloud our judgment. We may be the only hope left, but we will not let the innocents' prayers go unanswered without a fight. Case Swabia has begun. We'll strike the invasion force and take the fight to them and create a passage of peace through the continent. Strike with speed, power, and courage. Let this war be the first step against tyranny—.

After Y/N's speech, the thousands of soldiers summoned began to mobilize. The airborne regiments on standby, multiple aircrafts being armed and fueled up while others begin taxiing by the runways about to take off, hundreds of armored vehicles exiting the base from all sides preparing for the invasion. Base personnel begins moving to their assigned positions and divisions.

Every single troop is now at their positions doing their part for the upcoming war. Meanwhile, at the airport, 2 V-22 Ospreys were currently at the helipad along with Y/N, Avrora, Kar, and a squad of elite guard units.


We were now about to leave for FOB Crimson, where we will link up with the rest of the elite guard platoon and head towards the capital using motorized vehicles.

Y/N: We'll be going now, Kar.

Kar: Y-Yes... please... be careful.

Avrora: Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't raise a flag and get himself in trouble.

Kar: Yes... b-but- mmm!!!

Because Kar was still worried, I approached her and gave her a kiss to calm her down. Although I wanted her to come with me, I needed somebody I could trust to take command of the forces when I'm on the field. The only one with the skills right now was Kar. Most of the other high ranking officers' tasks were situated on the field and had to deploy alongside the troops.

When I broke the kiss, Kar started tearing a bit until she recovered herself.

Kar: *salutes* Good luck sir! I won't let you down!

I responded with a salute before heading to one of the Ospreys with Avrora. Once we sat on our seats, both planes begin ascending and transitioning to flight mode. As we got to a certain distance and altitude, a squadron of 5 F-22 Raptors appeared, escorting us to the FOB.

Time skip

We've arrived at FOB Crimson, when I look at the window, I could see the base in a complete active state, the 2nd advance force in the base were all in standby and the rest of my guards were already set to move.

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