Thus they fought back

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"And another Shitpost, and another one, and another one...

Poison Shadow Make that a quote for the next part"

100 km South of Fenn

The Papaldia Empire imperial army's dragon carriers were arranged in a perfect line with its escorts in a neat formation on their long-range naval maneuver to invade Fenn in an unexpected location. To facilitate the arrival and departure of wyvern lords, dragon carriers were twice as large as ships-of-the-line. The empire advanced its shipbuilding technology in secret, so it was the only country capable of building dragon carriers. Vice Admiral Armos nodded contentedly to himself when he surveyed the fleet of dragon carriers, their very presence giving off a sense of might. He thanked his illness earlier to be able to see and lead such a fleet. If it was any earlier or later, he would have been decimated at their second invasion of Fenn.

The Navy headquarters was right to send the older ships on their second invasion. If they used it, there was uncertainty if they were ever gonna make it unscathed by the unknown attacker that was now known as the Terran Federation.


"Dragon Knight Captain!" he said to the man standing next to him.

"Yes, sir!"

"The imperial army is strong!!!"

"Yes, I am aware."

"Why do you think we are strong?"

"Because of our comprehensive strength, sir."

"You're exactly right! However, the reason to have pride in our power, even more than our ships-of-the-line, the true core of our strength, is our dragon carriers. Dragon carriers allow us to outrange any opponent far beyond the capability of any cannon. Captain, total control of the air means total control of both sea and land. That is what I believe."

"Indeed, sir! That is a very enlightened perspective!"

"The Papaldia Empire is invincible on the sea because of our dragon carrier fleet! As long as we have them, the imperial army will carve a path for our empire to rule supreme! And look! Leading that fleet is our newest, most advanced flagship, the Mille! ...How spectacular. It overflows with functional beauty, enough to match its size."

The Mille was built with much more anti-magic steel plating than normal, and thus it was the strongest, largest, and most beautiful ship in the fleet.


Their chat was interrupted by the alarm sounding from the foremost escort ship. Vice Admiral Armos looked ahead cautiously.

"?! What's that?!?"

It was very hard to see, but two large arrows painted blue were flying at the flagship Mille at an astounding speed.

"What... what speed!!!"

Those "things" skated just above the ocean, sharply turned upwards right before they reached the front of the ship, and finally plunged right into the ship at a diagonal angle from above. The two Type 93 ASM-2s fired from an F-2, traveling at 1150 km/h, scored direct hits on the dragon carrier fleet's flagship, the Mille.


There was a violent flash... and the Mille was engulfed in light.


The giant flagship becomes wrapped in an even larger explosion, accompanied by the roaring sound of destruction. Right before Armos's eyes, the anti-ship missiles, which individually had enough firepower to destroy a cruiser, erased the flagship Mille from existence, along with its crew and wyvern lords. The leftover noise from the blast echoed across the water.

Armed Enlightenment Book 1 (Practice Story [My other stories are better])Where stories live. Discover now