The Chained Dragon

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"When you take the gloves off, you get blood on your hands."
                            -Captain Price

Thousands of Japanese citizens flocked to the center of the cities in anguish. Women and children held flowers, mourning while others held banners written in Japanese and the Fillades language showing their sympathy. Candles lit on many spots. Silence engulfed the entire crowds, commemorating the fallen citizens of Japan and Qua Toine.

A country in depression, a nation in despair. Many seeking reasons everywhere. Growing hate and anger, the two Empire's orders were precise. Who was to be blamed and pay the price.

Many cried to reinterpret Article 9 of the Japan Constitution while others just want it outright gone for their failure to act which would have led to massacred Japanese citizens instead if the Terrans didn't intervene.

Wicked transgressions turning neighbors into foes, soldiers of Papaldia searching homes. And then their former hosts are watching as they are round up one by one, times of persecution has just begun.

Ever since it started from Ginza. When reason died and dialogue was denied. Sent away on chains, set on a one-way trip to hell.
Entering the grounds, death awaits.

When freedom burnt, the final solution.
Dreams fade away and all hope to prevent war turns to dust. When hundreds burnt, the curtain has fallen. Lost to the world as they perish in flames.

There was a country in depression, there was a nation in despair. Many finding reasons everywhere. Then there was rising hate and anger, the two Empire's orders still apply. Who was to be blamed and sent to die. War was on the horizon, the flames of the samurai was burning brightly as ever.

In the last days of peace, civilizations holding their breath, an invasion is coming but when will it start? Who will be first to fall? Who will be last to stand? Esthirant or Sadera? Who will stop all this madness that has consequences no man understand?

Papaldia Empire, imperial capital Esthirant, Emperor Ludius's private room

All the wealth in the Third Civilization was concentrated in the capital of Papaldia, and the person who embodied all that national power, Emperor Ludius, lived in the imperial palace. He was chatting in his private room with a silver-haired woman.

"Remille, what do you think of the world, and what do you think of the Papaldia Empire?"

"Yes, Your Grace. While everyone else scrambles around in the dirt, the empire stands at the top of the Third Civilization. We exploit fear in order to control other countries, a method I find extremely efficient."

"Correct. Ruling by fear is necessary in order to expand our national power. The Holy Mirishial Empire and Mu have chosen to live in harmony with their neighbors. It is torturous for our great empire to be ranked below such weak countries. Once we have total control of the Third Civilization, we shall reign supreme as the Great Empire—no, the Eternal Empire of Papaldia. Eventually, we shall bring the First and Second Civilizations under our heel, uniting the entire world under our rule, which will forever eliminate war and bring about true peace. This is what we envision for the people of the world... Do you understand, Remille?"

Remille trembled with emotion. His Grace was truly a magnanimous person.

"Your... Your Grace, you have thought so deeply about all the people of the world... I am truly moved," Remille choked, tears welling up in her eyes.

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