Project MOD

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A secured foundation located deep underground, defended by a dedicated security force. Murder holes, MG nests, tesla gates, laser defense systems, and area denial systems.

Inside a very secured laboratory, a dim light, being the only light source inside as the scientist and engineers have called it a day after a day's work except for one man. He looks at his work for the past month, without the help of magic, something like this would have never reached to fruition.

Multiple tubes flowing in different solutions connected to a metallic incubator encased in glass that could fit one adult human.

The debate over genetic engineering brings us directly to the questions: Should we ask our scientists to play God? Or, should we ask them to refrain from playing God? The way the questions are posed is usually so superficial as to be misleading. Yet, beneath the superficiality, we find a theological issue of some consequence, namely, do we as human beings share with God some responsibility for the ongoing creativity of our world?

The rhetoric that usually employs the phrase, "play God," is aimed at inhibiting, if not shutting down, certain forms of scientific and medical research. Leonardo Da Vinci's anatomical research of the human body would be deemed heresy in the eyes of the Catholic Church at a time where they held great power and influence, he then decided to keep it hidden until it was discovered a hundred years later.

We have learned from hundreds of years of experience that what the Bible says is true: "pride goes before destruction". At the same time, the advancement into the new branch of science called "paraphysics" or magic science became the brainchild of a faster, and powerful war machine. One well-placed enchantment can effectively save the lives of many, at a lower cost and brings about greater efficiency. This knowledge can advance man's capability by a fair margin and set the foundation stone for the development of more sophisticated studies.

The Holy Grail that gave the Federation this possibility was thanks to the free reign of advanced technology production and the missing link, magic. For hundreds of years, the wisest of men and the scholars of ancient times in Earth tried to seek and understand this mythical power but to no avail. After the rising emphasis on logic, reason, and skepticism, it all became clear that the concept of magic was just a child's tale and entertainment.

The existence of magic in the new world has already piqued the interest of many researchers and began to study it. It wasn't until the end of the Lightning war that they could fully research it at full efficiency and quality thanks to the artifacts of the Valence empire and the insights of renowned magicians. There was no shortage of both as Estfalia was known to have one of the best minds and artifacts when it comes to magic.

In return for the magicians, their own research in magic has reached different heights while some finished their own research after a couple of scientific sessions. To express their thanks, they offered themselves to contribute in paraphysics and some were given permission to participate in certain areas.

In one month, they were able to accomplish something that would have taken years or longer, the Great Leap Forward for science, making something like the Turing Test unnecessary. The creation of super soldiers without sacrificing others was no longer a dream. Inside the incubation tank was their first-ever.

From a small cell to a fetus, and finally, an infant that would then reach the age of maturity in just a span of one month was the greatest creation ever made. Genetic editing made it possible to create these super-soldiers into reality and it wasn't until tomorrow that he and his team of scientists and magicians to present their work.

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