Case Swabia II: Intervention

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"You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war."
                                      -Napoleon Bonaparte

3rd Person POV

Kar: Novum Vexillum confirmed, initiating phase 2, 2nd advance force and air support inbound, ETA 1 hour. The main force in three hours. Command out.

Being notified that phase 2 has begun, multiple aircrafts were now taking off, Paratroopers now entering the transport planes. Meanwhile, at the FOB, the main force has started their advance.

Kar Thoughts: isn't this all too early?

She thought to herself until the UAV operators made an urgent report.

UAV operator 1(AO: East Estfalian Border): we have a situation! The invasion force has just disappeared after a bright light engulfed the entire force.

UAV operator 2(AO: Litöwian Capital): UAV has entered his excellency's AO... wait! I'm picking up hundreds and thousands of heat sigs located at some distances away from the Litöwian capital! It's a teleportation event!

Hearing the teleportation of the invasion force, her heart began to sink. The information that was retrieved before was false. It was kept in secrecy to the highest form, seeing how the legions disorganized, not realizing they were going to teleport. Her body was trembling as she began to worry about Y/N and Avrora's safety until she calmed herself down as she went towards the radio operator and voice out her concern.

Kar: all forces this is the General, a massive teleportation event on the Estfalian Invasion force has positioned them to the outskirts of the Litöwian capital of Navaria. The safety of his Excellency's and Madam Secretary is now at risk. Code Black.

Hearing that both their leaders were at risk, every soldier has quicken their pace as they begin their deployment early with haste. The southern recon teams have started their capitulation at the villages to the south, some who haven't yet build a more stable relationship had to do it by force when they heard Y/N's situation and division group south has started there advance.

Division groups east and west have blitzed through their cardinal direction and have taken strategic positions to split the north from the south.

Multiple F/A-18 squadrons went full afterburners straight towards Navaria. The F/A-18 Hornet was the main fighter in the meantime for the Air Force due to its multirole capabilities and less demand for specific parts.

Gault 1: this is Gault 1 to all units, begin the operation. Let the victor... be justice.

Sorcerer 1: copy that, Sorcerer 1 to all planes, apply full thrust. Don't even think about holding back.


Ofnir 2: this is Ofnir 2. Are you sure about the report?

Ofnir 1: this is Ofnir 1. I said that's what I heard. His Excellency and the Secretary's safety is at risk when a teleportation event occurred and 500,000 soldiers are now at the Litöwian capital's doorstep.

Ofnir 2: you're kidding me. How do you think we'll fare with the enemy if they can pull that off even if they're from the medieval era?

Ofnir 1: we'll find out if they're worthy or not... when we take them on in combat.

while division group north pushed towards key locations and set up defensive positions to hold off any hostiles before the main attack, and the Globemasters carrying the paratroopers were now in the air.

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