Insurgency Firestorm and New Spin-Off Story

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Terran Northern Command

As quiet and cold as a command room can be, this was not the case for Northcom.

"This is Company B, 2nd Battalion 51st Guards on the blind, we're getting overrun."

"King 2, flight of five 64 Delta gunships are engaged with hostile air. King 2-3 is rendered incapable after sustained combat. 2-2 is acting as escort. Get crash rescue on standby."

Radio chatter became an erratic mess inside the Northern Command's command center. With Northern Valence within its area of responsibility, there has been nothing but chaos after the sacred war.

"What's the sitrep on Zone 5?" Combatant Commander James Morrison asked the battle captain on the scene.

Zone 5 was one of the locations of what is locally known as Calamity, otherwise known as target #5 of the SOLG system. The destruction has truly reshaped the landscape into a No Man's Land.

Only rubble was left in the aftermath. A relief force comprising mostly of Terran peacekeepers and Federal Guards was sent in for humanitarian aid. Foreign volunteers from allied and neutral countries also joined the effort.

Unsurprisingly, everyone there despised their arrival.

Their armies marched to their homes, defeated and with no hope. For defeated nations who didn't experience the might of the TAF, they took matters into their own hands and have become bolder in their show of defiance to the supposed aid workers.

"Insurgencies are popping up everywhere. The scale is beyond expectations!" The Battle Captain replied, sounds of artillery firing in the background. "We're facing unconventional warfare in almost every city we enter and ambushes in every direction from zealots. As long as we keep this up with our combat strength, we will run out of supplies and ammunition!"

The current Terran Battle Doctrine focused on speed and the element of surprise with a punishing and final blow. After the several conflicts they've fought in, the natives finally grasped their weaknesses and use it against them.

It was now time to switch to counter-insurgency doctrines.

While not following the same mistake of Iraq by dissolving the Realms' armies and giving a denomination more attention, the issue became similar to the thinking of the German Kaiserreich. Thinking that the Terrans haven't won because they didn't push deeper into their realms. And the papacy left untouched was the cream on top.

Some even called for the Pope's head for betraying Ilia and surrendering to the heretics.

"We cannot lose our foothold in Northern Valence!" Morrison faced his XO. "Are there any capable combat units we can request?"

"Solarcom's got ARC troopers and ARC immortals teams in the orbital platform above."

"ARC command is up!"

A computer screen revealed an aged man wearing the uniform of the Space Force. The fact he was standing and not under the effects of low gravity was a testament to the artificial gravity technology they have thanks to the pool of magic and scientific knowledge.

"Commander, this is General Yavin of ARC command — understand you need some help, over."

"Glad to have you, General. Coalition peacekeepers are engaged in a large-scale insurgency in multiple sectors of the SOLG targets. We're sending you the locations of high-priority areas now."

This was no simple insurgency. The timing was all too perfect. When most of the combat units left the Realms after the end of hostilities, a few days of peace went by before everything went hot

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