The Sealion

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Let me be clear.

This is for the record.


War never changes.

The age of sail.

Humanity set sail into the oceans with adventure in their hearts.

But soon, those hearts were filled by a different desire—to conquer the seas.

However, their true enemy appeared from outside the world.


With our vastly superior technologies, we easily pushed the inhabitants of this world out of the oceans. There was no longer any place in the seas for them without our permission.

As a wise Danishball once said, "It's not about winning. It's about making others not have any fun." As he Expeditionary Force his entire army to Italy and man the Maginot as the Soviets push in.

Intermission is brought to you by the guy who walked all over it with his dirty boots, over the crisp, white Fox of my bed.

Operation Bunker Shot

The outline of the amphibious Operation Bunker Shot was surprisingly simple.

First: the Terran Maritime Defense Force would conduct a limited shore bombardment on the landing sites and coastal defenses in the early hours of the day.

Second: Marine Expeditionary Forces, around the mainland and support of the Navy, will conduct the amphibious shock and awe landings. The chaos and magnanimous scale of the invasion would cause massive panic, making the landings much smoother.

Third: with the multiple beachheads, the Pretanian military that numbered around 150,000 will be stretched thin and reduce their capabilities to hold them off. That's when the final push begins.

Edgar Beach, Southern Pretani

On the southern seas of Pretani, formations of ships sails adjacent towards the large strip of coast in and around the mainland centered on International Bay. Before this, the outer islands have all fell into Terran hands.

"One hundred plus fighters inbound!" The comms told, to Enterprise's amazement.

Before leaving, Y/N spoke to Enterprise about a certain topic.

Along with Alterprise and the rest of her fleet, they spearheaded the southern amphibious invasion as the only ones providing active support.

Enterprise never thought how far Y/N was willing to go to shatter Pretani's pride that he had put his trust in them alone.

With the number of planes headed towards them, Enterprise finally understood.

A crystal of snow flutters down to Enterprise's open palm as winter finally arrives. She clenched her fist and gazed to the foggy horizon where the landing sites are.

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