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"There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare."

-Sun Tzu

0900 hours, Jomon delegation, state hotel outskirts of Naval Command

The diplomats from Jomon were living the time of their lives. When they settled in the hotel, they were treated as if they were part of the royal family. The food, reception, and comfort that outstrips the lifestyle of a king. Asada and his friend rear admiral Gloire were currently enjoying their breakfast in the dining room along with other diplomats.

Gloire: I'm glad everything went smoothly so far when I saw how much power they have... I thought to myself that they were gonna be high-handed. It's truly something our people back home should learn.

Asada: true, the princess did say that they planned to come to us first which is very unorthodox for a powerful country. It's a blessing in disguise that they would also love to do trade with us.

Gloire: it's a shame that there's a law called technology exportation act that regulates what can be exported but it's understandable. I just hope we can benefit from our newly built relationship.

The main entrance soon opened and then entered a soldier checking the room before leading someone in. It was the princess, Angie. When she revealed her identity to them, they wondered why the princess of Litöw, a country famous for its isolationist policy and demographics but once she explains why, the delegation was surprised, shocked, and a chill on their spines once she reached the point where an army less than ten thousand repelled and destroyed four hundred thousand soldiers and forced the survivors into surrendering. They became fearful of their future knowing that a once an insignificant and marginalized country became a satellite state and their princess engaged with the leader of the Federation.

Angie: a pleasant morning sirs Nakamura and Ise, I hope you've found your accommodations satisfactory.

Asada: ah, thank you, your highness. On behalf of all of us, It truly has been a wonderful experience under your nation's care. We give you our sincerest thanks.

Angie: it is of no problem, you're our nation's important guest beyond the sea. We are delighted to receive you unlike the pit of vipers who kept swarming the new nation especially my motherland.

Gloire: welcome to the guild of major powers

The three people shared a laugh as both nations could relate how other countries try to butter up with the strongest nations. It was true that aside from marriage proposals from other royalty and nobles in the region for Y/N, many nations sent their diplomats to form relations with the Federation along the way.

If there was something the Terran Foreign Affairs Office had to say about it, it was a complete clusterfuck like a dad picking up his pre-teen child studying in an average school with a supercar. There were just so many fakes and visitations to do in order to assess each country and their duchies, principalities, and other realms that they had to plead for Y/N to request the help of the intelligence department to make a thorough investigation on each nation because although they had to open relations with them, it was just retarded and plain to see what they're goals were and had to know what kind of people they'll be up against. Honestly, it was like doing quantitative research that could be finished in one semester without all that mean deviation and sampling shit that every researcher had to do.

Litöw was no exception. When word got out that they became a subject of the Terrans and began to open up with other nations, it was simple at first when receiving the first few envoys who were once insulting them behind their backs until the public announcement of the princess and Y/N's engagement that made the envoys an 180 on their attitude and became a new fad where most nations flocked the nation to butter up with them to get them a bridge in making better relations with the federation that they had to make a satellite office and send more foreign affairs members to help them.

Armed Enlightenment Book 1 (Practice Story [My other stories are better])Where stories live. Discover now