Preparations for Pax Terrae

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"The humble are in danger when those in power disagree."

3rd Person POV

Day 1 after interrogation

Complete construction and structuring of Main Super Base, now formally known as Terra. At the same time, the Army, Air Force, and Intelligence Agency are still in the process of formulating an intervention against the Estfalian invasion force on Litöw.

Due to the overt nature in sending satellites, SR-71 blackbirds and UAVS were already tasked beforehand to provide aerial mapping of the continent. Multiple teams from intelligence are sent to Litöw with the help of local assets connected with special recon units. Estimated arrival: 1 week.

Current information:
The landmass is similar to Switzerland, plateaus, mountains, and rivers. Majority of the population located in plateaus. Mountains and rivers located at the Litöwian-Estfalian border. Movement detected heading west numbered around 50,000 and rising but not larger than Estfalia.

Day 3

Deals made formed with local villages near the base with the help of recon units who discovered and formed relationships with. Protection, better living standards, and development guaranteed in exchange for loyalty after a secured explicit cultural exchange.
Progress: slow
Loyalists: terminated
causes: sickness, monsters, bandits, or accidents after leaving.

Hidden Outposts manned by military police beyond the main base constructed to ascertain the guarantees made with the local populace, observation, and policing. Bandit and monster clearing underway.

surveying of land for possible FOBs currently underway.

Day 7

Agents arrived at the capital of Litöw. Intelligence gathering underway. Development of loyal villages underway, appearance remains unchanged to prevent suspicion.

Day 10

Increasing speed of mobilization of Estfalian forces for the Litöw campaign: detected.
Estimated number: 130,000 and rising.
High command, begins revision of plans for Litöw campaign:

1st Advance and diplomatic Force:
Y/N and Avrora
1 motorized Elite Guard platoon(Y/N's personal guards)
3 Infantry platoons

2nd Advance Force:
3 Airborne Regiments
Multiple C-17 Globemaster IIIs for paradrops

2 B52 Stratofortress for bombing and power display
10 KC-135 Stratofueler
40 F/A-18 Super Hornets
1 AC-130J Ghostrider
1 Firebase
5 Advance Force Operations teams for precision targets, forward observers, and sabotage

Main Force: split into different FOBs
4 armored regiments
30 attack helicopters
2 air assault brigades

Day 17

Information gathered and compiled:
Litöw is a kingdom made up of multiple races ruled by a human with a population of 8 million with their capital, Navaria located near the Estfalian border, blocked by natural terrain, the significant factor of Litöw's survival. Due to their progressive stance on demihumans and elves alike, they are seen as an "eyesore" to human supremacist countries surrounding it. They maintain an isolationist policy due to the factors stated above. They've conducted limited conscription and focus their training on unconventional and guerilla warfare.

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