Teaching for the future

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"I'm a yandere, you're a yandere, he-she-me yandere. Yandereing, Yandereology, the study of Yandere! It's first grade."

In the far north of the Valence continent, similar to Earth, lies an island doubled its size just enough for the main territory north of her majesty's united kingdom and the autonomous territory of Denmark which doesn't exist, by the way, to look strikingly similar on satellite despite its doubled landmass. Far back during the existence of the Valence empire, the once beautiful island on one simple day became engulfed from an unknown disease like essence. The green plains became dark, trees became corrupt– rid of its greenery. Dark miasma followed– Killing any crops or plant life that the corruption couldn't reach on its inception on the land.

Soon, beings corrupted by it that once walked in the land began attacking various settlements mercilessly. Evil immortals who feed upon magic and life. They delight in inflicting suffering, spreading corruption, and, of course, destroying all that is good. They were called "Demons". Most demons were once mortal. Not all demons are intelligent: various animals have been transformed into demons, for instance. It only took time until when they were about to be contained that an otherworldly horde similar yet different to the races of the world, laid death and damnation to those who crossed its path.

A burning legion of demons terrorized the island until every inch of it was corrupted and after years of futile resistance, there was no other form of life than these aberrations of nature. The demons embraced their furious passions and reveled in pushing the boundaries of their power, heedless of the consequences. Many of these aberrations indulged in the energy that pervaded the world. Some learned to wield the all-consuming powers of magic and were quick to evolve in their animalistic nature into intelligent beings and yet, their lust still remained and before long, the bloodthirsty demons clawed their way into the continent, terrorizing and corrupting the civilizations and bringing ruin to every plot of land they stepped foot.

The northern coast quickly fell to their hands. Their sudden attack and speed took the empire by surprise but at that time, fate favored the empire as a very harsh winter struck the north and stopped them on their tracks especially the cold-blooded demons that put a halt in their momentous and ambitious desires for blood, terror, and rule. When spring season began, the mud afterward didn't provide much help. It was a bloody tug of war between the two sides. One fighting for their lust for blood and the other for their survival until one day, a demonic being appeared itself on the battlefield. A being that could corrupt anything in its path by just walking, surrounded by corruption and miasma that came to be later known as the Demon Lord. Met by such existence on the battlefield, in a countermove, the empire began one of the most powerful rituals called the "Hero Summoning".

After a successful ritual, a dazed young man appeared before the royal family and the most powerful mages. He wore a dark blue blazer with a tie on his white buttoned shirt, black hair, and shared similarities on the people from the vassal states on the island to the west.

A normal "high school student" he said, ignorant of his power at that time before spending many years of training and battles. With his existence, the demonic horde was pushed back. Everyone treated him with respect, some tried to butter up to him, and his time spent in the world and his status as a hero even paved the way to a fairytale-like story of love and loss until fate played its card in amusement again and the legendary fight between the hero and the demon lord began.

Their duel was great. Each time their blades clashed, it shook the ground and forced both forces to stumble down in their battle in a daze as they looked at the two powerful beings of the world fighting each other.

But that duel was cut short.

Months before the legendary duel and with the Empire's assured victory against the demonic horde, their imperialistic ambitions resurfaced and while the hero and the Imperial army were expunging the demons out of the continent, the most powerful mages of the continent were called once again to create an artificial gate and a large force was amassed incomparable to the demon subjugation army and invaded the unknown world, only to be met with a disastrous failure in just under an hour without the chance to use their swords against their enemy.

Armed Enlightenment Book 1 (Practice Story [My other stories are better])Where stories live. Discover now