Definition of Superpower

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"A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace"

-Theodore Roosevelt

"Irish" sea, Federation territorial waters

The rain began to disperse as the sky became clear once again and the sea becoming more calmer as Enterprise and her strike group escorts the foreign diplomats' ships.

As they make their way to homeport, Enterprise contacted Avrora who was acting as the command for the operation. Unlike the rest of the navy who are under the command of the Federal naval high command, the Enterprise strike group, officially known as Mobile Task Force EN-1 "Overpen", answer directly to the Secretary-General and the authorized secretariats.

Enterprise: *radio* madam secretary, intercept and investigation successful. I've ID'd them as the number 1 power from the island of "Ireland", called Jomon. Their fleet and weaponry are from the mid to late 19th century and their reason for being here is to open diplomatic relations with us.

Avrora: check. Follow this coordinates I'll be sending you, I'll inform naval command myself. I want to make sure they're aware of who they're dealing with. We don't want a war, we just came and ended one.

Enterprise: aye-aye. Uhm... what about our little deal...

Avrora: you shouldn't worry about small things. I've more or less secured a good position for you to be closer to him.

Enterprise spoke in an embarrassing tone on the radio whereas Avrora spoke in a happy tone afterward. After hearing her concerns were unnecessary, Enterprise replied with gratitude.

Enterprise: I... th-thank you for accepting my selfish request...!

Avrora: ~no no. It should be I that must thank you.~ Command out.

The tone of Avrora's last sentence made Enterprise shudder but she set it aside for now since her mission wasn't over yet. After receiving the coordinates, the strike group then led the Jomon fleet to certain areas of the sea.

Asada: Gloire, don't you think it was very sudden for them to change course right now?

Gloire: true, they only said that we'll change course without a reason. They could just say rogue waves or sea monsters but there was none... unless...!

Seeming to understand the true purpose of the sudden change, both of their eyes lit up in amusement and sighed in exasperation.

Asada: well, it would be a lie if I wasn't thankful for it. Most of the diplomats under my belt are either stubborn and high-handed or jealous of my position at such a young age of twenty-seven and wouldn't listen... Last I've heard, they seemed unimpressed about their ships despite having no background or knowledge about the navy. They weren't even present when their navy appeared like from nowhere and just hid below deck during the storm.

He says as he massages his temples, exasperated.

Gloire: *sigh* it seems you also have your fair share of difficulties and those geezers and their high status would be the death of us when they don't even stop and think for once, I think the guns on those ships aren't even their main arsenal. I'm just glad they gave you the reins...

Both took a glance at the other diplomats who were conspiring with each other further away and could only give a long sigh before laughing about their own ordeals of suffering from success.

Armed Enlightenment Book 1 (Practice Story [My other stories are better])Where stories live. Discover now