Avrora: Overture

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"No, we need to fight."
-Master Chief

Avrora Kalasinova was always viewed as that "untouchable flower" and sometimes, the "Ice Queen". Her family's immense wealth, her keen intellect, and unwavering cold gaze; all her characteristics and position were leagues beyond others. Many courted her, many feared her. In the eyes of many, she lived a privileged life that they all sought out and envy.

At an early age, her parents decided that it was best to study on a normal school unlike those expensive private schools in order to better nurture her into society as a whole rather than growing up in the elitists' ivory towers and spoil her. She was simply told that her parents were just businessmen. She was surprised the first time when a businessman from abroad visited them and gave respect to her father but she paid it no mind.

A simple life was everything she could ask for. She became accustomed and even enjoy her current life. Normal friends who you would play tag and catch with, that sweet elderly neighbor who she would come to greet every morning she went to school in a normal suburban home. She was satisfied with it.

It was in the last year in primary school that everyone she knew and even herself came to the understanding that she was leagues away from them.

"You know that girl named Avrora?" A student said.

"Yeah, the smart one right?" The other replied.

"Yeah. When I got last year's class photo and showed it to my parents, my dad made a surprised look and asked me who she was so I just said so. He told me that she was the daughter of his boss' boss or something."

"Woah, really?!"

"Yeah. Her family is also very rich and have many cool cars and mansions."

The conversation between the two thirteen-year-olds trailed off and the rumor of her real identity began to spread all over the school. More stories about her family became known to them.

Ever since then, she began to feel alienated by everyone in the school. All those people who she considered as friends became distant while the rest acted much differently than before. Even rumors that the teachers were aware of it and were told to withhold the information were made.

They were no longer talking to her as Avrora the everyday girl next door. They were now talking to Avrora Kalasinova, the daughter of a Russian oligarch.

Her father was just one of many young entrepreneurs in the business sector who rapidly accumulated wealth during the era of Russian privatization in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990s that were able to build their initial wealth due to General-Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms during his period of market liberalization.

Arms manufacturing, oil companies, and hotels; she was completely unaware of how much she was worth until that very day.

The once naive Avrora, in her sad state, inside a rather expensive establishment asked those who stood by her side why everyone looked at her differently than before and distanced themselves from her and was given an answer.

"Just forget about them, Avrora. They're just trash and jealous because they're poor." A blonde girl with dangling earrings said.

"Yeah, forget about them!" A buff boy wearing a tracksuit beside the blonde girl interjected. "It's not like they're really your friends for leaving you like this."

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