The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

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"Look, I don't know what kind of clown college your running, but I was dragged here to kill a fucker and this is how we kill fuckers on Earth."
     -monkbank , I write an Isekai about communist revolution until an anime is made out of it

(A/N: watch the fucking video and read his story or no bread for dinner)

Proptor, Saderan Empire

"We're back, Major."

"Good, we're currently in contact with the experts on board the Discovery." He then faced the tablet. "Alright, sirs and madams. What're the results?"

For the past few days, Ghosts have been lurking around the Port city of Proptor. The city was a goldmine for information as the majority of its trade occurs within the area. From bars filled with drunken men, honeypots thanks to a female Ghost participating, to sneaking inside influential families, and all the way deep inside the underground society just like the CIA.

A meeting was taking place involving experts, the Ghosts in the field, military commanders, and the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps."

"I'll begin with a summarization based on the information you've gathered so far." A man wearing glasses spoke. "The Empire, here forth designated as the Saderan Empire for simplicity, is a pre-industrial, militaristic, and autocratic state ruled by an Emperor Molt Sol Augustus where it runs in a hegemonic system with many vassal states. As an imperium dominatus, it controls most of the continent of Falmart, ranging from the northern mountain ranges, south along the coast of the Blue Sea, and from the western desert regions to a mountain and forest regions far to the northeast, a total distance of about 8000 km. This impressive size means that the Empire is comparable in size to the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous land empire in Earth history. The Imperial Capital, Sadera, is located to the north of your position at the merchant port of Proptor, a major port city in the Empire located on the Blue Sea."

The Major nodded. "That seems the most likely as we've seen and learned so far."

"Furthermore, contrary to its status as an "empire", the Empire actually never succeed in conquering any other continents outside Falmart within their realm with the prime example is the "Avion Sea", which is untouched by the Empire for centuries. Moreover, the Empire never actually managed to kill a beast called "the Flame Dragon" or defeat an entity called an "Apostle". We'll need more info on that later. Therefore, it is extremely ridiculous for the Empire to call themselves as "invincible" as we've heard from locals, they already behave like a frog in the well within their world and they are actually weaker than they think they are."

The representatives of the diplomats starts speaking.

"Besides the first contact, further relations might lead to a stagnation based on their attitude alone. This is a country where we cannot show any weakness. Flexing our power might ensure our safety but it'll leave a bad taste but it's better than dealing with their kind."

Many others nod in agreement. The commander of the fleet followed up.

"His Excellency has included the Yamato-class Suribachi as a common ground for any country with firearms. The fleet is armed with a variety of weapons that can cause psychological fear and... we also have a nuke to scare the ever-living crap out of them by causing a second sun. Please continue."

Armed Enlightenment Book 1 (Practice Story [My other stories are better])Where stories live. Discover now