Deus lo vult

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A whole week passed by quickly in the Weissenheer Front. Once again, this land became another battlefield and enemies lie beyond its border reorganizing after experiencing a dramatic failure in their initial advance. 155mm howitzers pummeled their army, the Air Force, SAM, and CRAMs humiliated their wyvern force, and were all forced to cower back to the other side of the Rhine River where Weissenheer's border ends on the north.

It was just another quiet dusk ever since the declaration of war, and there hasn't been any movement from Army Group 'Europa' or the newly-established Kaiserliche Wehrmacht other than the constant barrage of patriotic Terran and Weissenheer music every night that kept many of the soldiers of the Northern Ilian Realms restless.

The songs they played tried to present an intent. That there will be no victory, only blood. That their enemy renounced war, but are determined to win it as much as their devotion was.

Duke Emich, the supreme commander of the Northern Ilian Realms who once fought together with the Terrans and Weißen in the Coalition was now faced with the task to invade Weissenheer with his reinforcements of three hundred thousand that is yet to arrive.

He saw the flying machines of the Terran Air Force in Gallia. They were strong but needed wyvern support to allow them to be in their full potential. It was impressive to see a fast propeller aircraft to have machine gun mounts and bombs, but it certainly won't be enough to repel squadrons of wyverns. The army they sent were small, too. Though impressed with their skills, it wasn't enough to defeat an army of their size or be able to make clandestine missions within the ranks.

Many were taken into account when they set up camp outside the Weissenheer border under the guise of protection. Their leaders were wary of them and Weissenheer when the Federation announced the concept of chemical warfare, and told them that they too have the same nature of weapons Gallia possessed. It was a revelation that shook the continent.

And now, after the incident with the large arsenal bird in Iliastadt, harboring a demon, and Pretani's attempt at Y/N's life, the boy was suddenly alive and wielding the sacred sword of Ilia that was entrusted to the high elves of Pretani—something many of the Orthodoxy recognized. At first, they demanded its proper return, hinting a holy war if not, but surprisingly, they refused.

That was the last straw and they have begun to invade Weissenheer in a blitz fashion to hold them, hostage, when they knew of the relationship of their Princess and the Secretary-General. At first, their invasion went well, only meeting militias and a few peacekeepers that caused far more casualties than expected before being overwhelmed. The fact that a small platoon of Terran can cause so much death was concerning, and they killed and raped the Terran prisoners as much as they can as a result of revenge.

Eventually, their actions would come to haunt them in a few hours. They miscalculated the Terran and Weissenheer armies. Expecting little resistance, they were met with the brunt of the Kaiserliche Wehrmacht.

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