Case Swabia IV: Realpolitik

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"speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
-Theodore Roosevelt


It was an unfortunate sight to see. There was a swarm mixed of civilians and soldiers slowly approaching our guys' positions, their eyes devoid of any shred of emotions and were that of zombies. We've already considered that an Estfalian's attitude becomes more and more conceited as you get close to the capital. But... we didn't expect this kind of level.

"to bring down the walls of Jericho, the Realpolitiker knows the simple pickaxe is more useful than the mightiest trumpet".

Those words appeared in my thoughts. If compare it to our objectives, we seized control of the walls that has proven its use, time and time again for hundreds of years that it was just as revered like the western wall in Jerusalem without the need of destroying it and here we are, the Apaches made easy work with the gates with hellfire and the brigade easily took control and fortified the entrances.

For them, it was worse than destroying the entirety of it when seeing the walls imbued with magic and "indestructible" gates easily taken over by their enemy with minimal effort. It was desecration and tainted with the hands of foreign invaders. For too long, they've thought themselves as invincible. That arrogant way of thinking has evolved into ultranationalism and aggression that has been refined and tempered for hundreds of years. There was no more room for diplomacy. According to one of the agents sent to the capital, Estfalia had their fair share of cards to use. This one was already obvious, mass mind control... such a fearful weapon.

"Them" as I referred to was not the common folk and soldiers, it was the royalty and aristocracy. Compared to the conceited attitude the civilians in the capital had, they were just much worse. Further explanation is unnecessary.

It was certainly a last-ditch attempt to stop us by using innocent people. Tear gas and other non-lethal weapons could only hold them off for a short while, they were truly not in control... If I'm correct, the rumors that were spread by the agents about how merciful we are although we have such power was picked up by the aristocracy. It's quite unfortunate that innocent people were involved in this but they made a fatal mistake.

They thought we were soft. They thought that we were some... chivalrous knights. They thought we were some allies of justice with that white knight ideals... they were wrong.

Y/N: *radio* all units, engage!

Some time ago, 3rd Person POV

It happened in the castle's treasury. After seeing what was left of their army decimated and losing control of the gates, the King, followed by his guards and court magician was entering deeper into the room and stopped to see the object they came to get. It was a cube in shape, a mind-control stone. The concentration of magic caused it to emit a faint blue glow. It was an artifact from the fallen empire with a wide range that covers more than the entire city.

King Estfalia: with this, we can make anyone outside the castle bow down to our will. They will pay dearly for what they've done. Court magician, I'm sure you already know about the price of this artifact.

Court Magician: yes... as our kingdom enters into our darkest of hours, sacrificing my life is meaningless compared to the kingdom's destruction, your majesty.

After taking the stone, the king summoned the nobles to the throne room to proclaim his agenda. When all the nobles finally arrived, he began his announcement.

King Estfalia: my friends, it has been a difficult day. We have lost more than we could have ever dreamed... but we will recover! I show to you, the mind control stone!

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