.11. Another Oppurtunity

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Even though I repeatedly said I didn't want to go on vacation James drags me out to Bora Bora with him for five days. I shouldn't complain about a all expenses paid trip but at the same time, I was locked up with the devil himself. Every time he fucks up he pulls something like this and assumes it makes up for everything. At least I know he wasn't cheating while we were there but he posts pictures of us and acts like we're so happy and it makes me sick. He didn't even let me say goodbye to my mom before I left.

So as soon as I get back I go see her. It was nice and warm now and I was just gonna walk the mile and a half there. Get some fresh air and get used to being back in the city.

"How long will you be gone" he asks as I grab my phone.

"I don't know James. I'm walking and thanks to you I haven't seen her for a while. So a few hours" I say.

"Alright. Come right back" he warns.

"When are you planning to come see her" I question.

"She's not my mom" he claims as I roll my eyes. How can he be so heartless?

"But she believes that you care and that you're going to take care of her. Even if you're still pouting and refusing to pay for her treatments can you at least care about what happens to your mother in law? She thinks the world of you" I say.

"As she should. But I have some planning to do with workouts starting up next month" he tries.

"You have people for that. My mom has one son in law" I try.

"I'll see her soon. I promise" he says.

I don't believe him but whatever.

I put my headphones in and I go for a walk. Though James' words don't mean much he's been a little more lenient about where I can go lately. Not with who, that's still wrapped up tight. But since he isn't in season people aren't as interested in what I'm doing and I can do a little more.

Once I get to the hospital I go up to my moms room. I find her looking a little better as she takes a drink of orange juice. It was her favorite. She had a Chicago Cubs wrap on her head and I look at her weird.

"Where in the world did you get that wrap from" I question as she smiles big.

"Your baseball... friend? Is he a friend? Well Anthony has stopped by a few times since I saw you last. The wrap is supposed to be for the kids but he got a adult sized one from me. I think it looks good" she claims.

"You're looking a lot better, actually. How have you been" I ask as I sit next to her.

"I would be better if my daughter could tell me she was on vacation instead of me finding out on Instagram with the rest of the world" she accuses.

"I'm sorry momma" I sigh. "I didn't get much of a warning either."

"Baby what's wrong" she asks me as she cups my cheek. I lean into her freezing cold hand just missing the touch of someone I love.

"Nothings wrong" I try.

"Why do you feel the need to lie to me? I have cancer, I'm not stupid. I can see something is wrong" she claims.

"I just miss the times when you weren't in here. When we could go out, just you and me" I say softly.

"I'm not talking about why you're upset with this situation. I know this is hard. I want to know why each time you come here it feels like more and more of the light inside of you is gone. You're celestial, a star, you can't let them fade you away" she tries.

I let out a sigh as I shake my head. "I don't need you thinking about me knowing you can't do anything about it. I promise you that the second you're out of here I will tell you everything. Every little thing. Right now I want to focus on getting you better" I beg.

"In that case I do have some news" she tells me as I raid a eyebrow.

"You do" I question.

"I do. Anthony has offered for his foundation to help me with this trial drug. It's been 89% effective against breast cancer so far and he can get it to me quickly. I told him I have to talk to you first but since James stopped paying for my treatment and he stopped coming around I figured now is a good time as any" she claims.

My eyes get big as I feel the air leave my lungs. "How did you know about James" I whisper.

"Not to be a tattle tale, but my nurses talk really loud in the hallway. I know he has stop sending in the money. Also nurse Taylor has a crush on him" she tells me making me smile.

"I'll keep an eye out for her" I tease. "But I'm not sure what James' deal is. He won't say why he stopped, if I knew why I would fix it" I assure her.

"I know you would. But through one struggle comes another opportunity. Anthony does great work and I truly believe he wants to see me get better" she claims.

"I'm a little afraid to ask what you guys talk about" I mumble.

"You mostly. But he shared with me his story and why he wanted to help me. Turns out he's the sweetest man there ever was" she insists.

"That he is. I have trouble wrapping my brain around the concept of him. He is the kindest most thoughtful and most caring man I know. And he's dead set on helping me and you" I sigh.

"He reminds me a lot of your dad. A beauitful soul is often times hard to explain, but also most heavily felt. I can tell you have touched his life as much as he's touched yours. He's a good guy" she claims.

"And that's why I don't want him getting caught up in all of this" I try.

"I'm not quite sure he cares. You didn't talk to him for a week and he ended up here with me. He was looking for whatever part of you he can get his hands on, he thinks the world of you whether you want to admit it or not" she insists.

"So are you going through with the trial" I wonder.

"I wanted to talk to you first but I would like to, yes" she admits.

"I think you should do it. Anthony won't let anything happen to you, I know that much for sure" I promise.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now