.80. A Love So Kind

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With August in sight now we were getting close to the third trimester of this pregnancy. We had a few baby showers set up and the all star break and my birthday and all that good stuff coming up. I was excited to say the least but I didn't feel the slightest bit prepared. My little princess was already so loved but I wasn't really feeling ready for her to make her appearance quite yet. I wanted her room to be a little more complete and I've read all the books about how I can be the best dad and partner. I've taken care of babies before but this is different. I want my child to grow up knowing that I love her more than anything that isn't her mother.

Today I am out and about as Celeste finishes up her finals. She won't graduate until the middle of August but she'll be done a lot sooner than that. I was excited for her to get her degrees and be able to do what she dreamed of doing just as I do every day. Not everyone can find their calling, and not everyone can get it even though their dreams had been crushed as many times as hers was. But thankfully she's got her second chance at life and we were going to do this right.

I walk into the post office and walk up to the front desk. I had gotten something special for the babies room and it finally got here. I didn't have it shipped to the apartment because I knew Celeste will think it's something she ordered for the babies room and open it without even questioning what was in it ruining the surprise. But I wanted to be the one to give her this, it was special to me and I hope it was special to her too.

So I sign for the package before heading off to the store. I find a nice bag to put it in along with some sour skittles and root beer since it's decaffeinated. Once I get a few more baby things I was on my way home. I get inside and she was still in the office finishing up her tests so I get ready for the game tonight. The dog days of summer was starting to get to me but I was planning on going home for the all star break whether I'm in it or not and I was excited to hang out with Celeste on the beach and listen to my mom brag about how she will finally have a granddaughter.

Eventually Celeste comes out and finds me in the kitchen where I was most days. She wraps her arms around me as her face buries into my back.

"Hey baby, how was your test" I wonder.

"It was fine. I have a good enough grade in that class that I can fail the test and still pass the class but I studied really hard so I hope I got at least a B" she explains.

"I'm proud of you" I say as I turn around in her arms. I grab her face with my hands as I pull her up. "I know it can't be easy with you following me around and carrying a baby and getting a degree. You're doing such a great job" I insist.

"Thank you baby" she smiles.

I pull her into a short kiss before she just smiles at me. I keep her face in my hands not wanting to let her go. "I got you something" I tell her.

"Why" she pouts.

"I mean it's for the babies room but it's technically about us" I try to explain.

"Okay now I'm confused" she admits.

"I can show you better than I can tell you" I insist.

So I pull her to the couch where the bag was waiting for her. It was kinda big so I set it on the floor next to her feet. She looks at me with one of those "you spoil me" looks. So I hand her the snacks first and she loosens up some. She takes no time cracking open her drink and popping a few skittles in her mouth.

"Okay, you buttered me up. What's this really about" she accuses. She's getting a little too good at reading me.

I reach in the bag and pull out the heavy picture frame. I take the white cover it was in off of it and show her what I had gotten for us.

There was this website that I had seen a few times but I never really thought about it. Basically is was the map the stars on certain nights and certain places to represent special moments. Some couple get it on their wedding days or when their first date was or something along those lines. Any date that is special and worth remembering. I had come across the website before and just scrolled past it. But I saw it the other day when I was out on the road and thought this would be perfect for the babies room. It follows the star theme and we can add the plaques as we hit milestones.

This first one I got for us and our story was a map of the stars the night we met. And maybe it isn't a day we really want to remember. She was hurting and I was getting myself in way over my head. But I remember the stars that night, even in April they were unusually bright. I couldn't tell you where each star went but this can. And now we can always remember how the stars aligned ever so perfectly to bring our paths together.

"Oh Anthony" Callie says softly as her hand covers her mouth. Those brought blue eyes get grassy as the skin the stars. "This is incredible. Now I see why my dad wanted to study the stars, they're beautiful" she admits.

"There was a lot of dates I was going to do this for but I figured to start where it all began. We've come a long way since this night. Some stars have faded since, some are easier to see. But this picture, it's perfect to me" I smile.

"How did I get so lucky to have a love so kind" she asks.

"You went through more than anyone should. But we don't have to worry about any of that more. We have more sky full of stars. We can get one of these when Stella is born, when we get married, anniversaries, birthdays, all of it. We can fill the walls with beautiful nights full of stars" I promise her.

"That sounds perfect" she smiles.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now