.71. Big Surprise

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Celeste was a little past the three month mark of her pregnancy and it seemed like this last week flew by. I had my parents and Hannah flown in to do a little announcement now that we know a little more about the baby. Put the parents don't know why they're coming out, as far as their concerned they're here for something for the foundation. Hannah was a recipient of some of the work we do and my parents help run it so no one really questioned what they were doing here on a beautiful June morning.

So Celeste and I go to her early morning doctors appointment and we get to know a little more about our baby. We won't know the gender for a little while longer which we were okay with. It's still all so new to us and we were going to need all the time we can get. But now that Callie is showing more and we're in the second trimester it was a good time to tell our parents then get all the help we can get.

The baby was looking good and actually looked like a baby on the sonogram now. Celeste was a rockstar and she's killing this whole being a mother thing. She's taking all the prenatals they'll allow her to and eating right. She is passionate about taking care of this baby and she should have nothing to worry about when it comes to being a mom. She's doing great.

After the doctors appointment we head back to the apartment to get the surprise ready. We got our parent each their own pictures to take home along with the gifts they will get here in a little. Once we were ready we invite them over and I can tell they were a little skeptical.

"So why are we really here" Hannah asks as she looks between Celeste and I. I kept her under my arm the whole time which isn't unusual but I also haven't let her leave my side.

"I'm so glad you asked" Celeste smiles as my parents look at me weird.

"What is this about" my dad wonders.

"Close your eyes and hold out your arms" I say as I show them how to hold out their arms.

"Seriously" my mom asks.

"Trust me, you're gonna like this surprise" I promise.

So they all close their eyes and hold their arms out. Celeste and I slip on some personalized Cubs jerseys her friend Amy had made for us. Each one had patches specific to them with their names across the back and "best grandma" or "best grandpa" under it. My dad got some Florida patches and my moms had flowers and other things she likes. Hannah's was my favorite though with her teaching patches and the one for being a survivor of breast cancer. My favorite patch was the stars which turned out really cool.

Celeste sets her phone up in the corner to catch their reaction. You don't get moments like this all the time, and I'm sure my mom will want the video to make a video for when the baby is here.

"Alright, open your eyes" I finally tell them.

They look down and see the brand new jersey which was pretty cool without the big announcement. My parents and Hannah admire each other's new get up before Hannah lets out a gasp.

"Oh my god" she whispers.

"Oh no, what did my son put on my back" my mom wonders as I furrow my eyebrows. I'm not that bad, I swear.

"Yours says "worlds greatest grandma" under your name" Hannah claims.

"What!?! What" my mom asks trying to see what was on the back. "Wait! Yours says "worlds greatest grandpa"" my mom says turning to my dad.

They all turn to us as we just smile at them. Nothing but shock and excitement on thier faces.

"Callie... does this mean what we think it means" Hannah asks her daughter.

"Surprise" Celeste says as she grabs her shirt. She lifts it up a little to show off the small bump that was forming.

A second later there was loud yelling that I'm sure my neighbors will call to complain about it later. But for now we're going to enjoy this nice moment. My mom runs over to us and bends over to touch Callie's stomach. I give her the "I'm sorry" eyes but she just smiles.

"Oh I am so happy for you guys. How are you" she asks Callie.

"I'm good, the baby is good. It's been a crazy few weeks trying to figure everything out. What our next steps are and how to make this as easy as possible. Now that you guys know I know it'll be better for us to figure out the next steps. This baby is lucky to have you guys as grandparents" she claims.

"Oh I can't wait to meet it" my mom claims.

"You already have a grand kid" I remind her.

"I know but the more the merrier. I love babies and I can't wait to come to Chicago and baby sit while you and Celeste can have some alone time" she claims.

"That would be nice" I admit as I wrap my arm around my girlfriend again. Her head rests on my shoulder making me smile.

"How far along are you" Hannah wonders.

"Just reached 12 weeks so we have a way to go. But we're going to keep this a secret a little longer. We haven't told anyone besides you guys. It'll be a lot easier to get this thing rolling if we keep it in house" I explain.

"Of course" my mom promises.

The girls go off and start telling Celeste about what it's like carrying a kid and what to do to feel better and products she will need as she gets bigger. My dad stays back with me and we grab a beer. He had been really quiet but that's usually my dad. I get my loudness and energy from my mom. My dad was way more laid back and doesn't have many opinions. But I did want to know what he thought about this.

"So... what do you say big man" I ask.

"It's a surprise, that's for sure" he admits as I nod my head. No argument here. "But I know you two have been through a lot. Life has tested you guys time and time again and you both figure it out each and every time. I know it's kind of shocking to all the sudden be a dad but you'll do great. There hasn't been anything that you haven't been able to figure out and do with such passion and success. This won't be any different. The kid is lucky, it's got some good parents" he claims.

"I learned from the best" I smile.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now