.47. Follow You Anywhere

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As New Year's approaches I find my new found freedom exciting. The New Years parties here in the city were something to behold. I was excited to be able to actually go out and do things for once.

So I grab Carmen and she helps me find a outfit for the occasion. She had been letting me steal whatever I wanted from her closet to see what I would like but I felt bad. Plus she was wearing what I wanted to wear to the bar so I needed to find something of my own.

After searching for hours I find exactly what I wanted and now I couldn't wait until midnight. It seemed like forever I sat in the master bathroom letting her do my hair and makeup.

"So, you gonna kiss him in front of everyone tonight" Carmen asks me as I raise my eyebrow.

"What do you mean" I ask innocently as she rolls her eyes.

"Anthony" she claims and my eyes get big. "Are you going to give him a New Years kiss?"

"Oh" I gasp. I know we were together and a new year kiss isn't really a big deal but we weren't public whenever we were doing things for our relationship. We weren't really official yet. A New Years kiss should mean something and I want it to but I don't want it to mean the wrong thing when it comes to making our relationship known. "I don't know about that. I'm still in the middle of the divorce-" I start.

"That's no excuse. You can't let James continue to rule your life even though you're free of him. This is your time Callie, not his" she reminds me.

"I know. I just... I don't know. I love him, I really really love this man and he is so good to me. It almost seems too good" I try.

"I get it, you went from being treated worse than most to being treated better than most. It's a big turn around and you don't want to let your guard down. But Anthony's been around the house and I can tell that this man wants to do right by you. He loves you so much that this Florida boy stayed in Chicago in the winter just to be with you. If that's not love I don't know what is" she teases making me smile.

"We'll see how it goes and I'll get back to you when we get home" I promise.

"Bold of you to assume you're coming back here tonight" she accuses.

"Do you know something I don't" I ask her as she smirks.

"Nope" she tries. But I don't believe her.

Once we were finally ready we go to the bar around 9pm. I wasn't all that big on drinking even without James on my ass about it but I'll enjoy a few beers and let loose. It doesn't take long for Anthony and his friends to find me. He comes over and stops in front of me before smiling big. I blush a little as he looks me over trying not to miss a single detail.

"Wow, Celeste you look... wow" he says making it feel like my whole face catches on fire.

"Thanks. You look amazing too" I admit trying not to lose my voice.

"Can I get you a drink" he asks.

"A drink would be nice" I admit.

He rests his large hand on the small of my back giving me a new sensation. It was both warm and comforting, something I didn't feel a lot of. But as he pulls me in closer to him I knew he wasn't going to let anything happen to me. Not now not ever. I didn't care who saw, I never wanted his hand to leave me again.

We grab some beers before I talk around with some of his friends. Not every baseball guy stays where they play but Chicago was a great city and a lot of people hang around. James never went back home once he moved here and if you get treated like him why would you want to leave? A lot of the players feel the same way. Sure taxes suck here but when you're making millions of dollars a year to play a game that doesn't really matter.

The music gets louder and I find myself having a good time. Anthony and I dance together for a while before we step outside for a little. It was freezing but it was too hot in there so we got to cool off.

It creeps closer to midnight and I couldn't stop thinking about what Carmen says. If I should kiss him or not. Part of me wanted everyone to know we were together so people would quit speculating and let us be. But I also know the moment we come out about this it'll create brand new problems we're going to have to figure out. I'm not sure what to do and I can tell he is noticing the change in my behavior.

"Are you okay" he asks. "I know this is a lot even for someone who has been going to bars a lot. I can take you home" he assures me.

"Is that what you want" I ask him.

"Huh" he asks.

"You want this night to end by you dropping me off at home" I question.

"Well no, but if that's what you want" he tries.

"I want to know what you want, Anthony. You always check in with me or ask me what I want but we never talk about you. What do you want" I ask again.

He stares at me trying to figure out where to go with this. Both of us was admittedly a little tipsy but just drunk in love. He wasn't expecting that question but it was important for me to know how he feels.

"You really want to know what I want" he questions.

"I do" I admit.

"I want you. And I want everyone to know that" he claims.

I get frozen in my spot because even though I wanted the answer it doesn't mean I was ready for it.

"How do I know that I won't be pushed to the side like I was before" I ask him.

"How can you be pushed to the side when you're all I think about" he counters.

"You know James used to tell me the same things" I tell him.

"Well I'm not James. I know that nothing this sport offers can compare to what loving your offers. I've been in this league almost as long as he has and yet I know better than to believe that anything I find out there would be better than what I have right here" he insists.

I stare through him as I try to read the situation. James gave me this same lecture when he told me he was leaving Alabama and it would be best if I came too even though I hadn't finished my studies. He promised we would get married and have a good life if I followed him blindly. I gave up so much, I gave up everything taking a chance on a man promising to love me more than he loved a game.

But Anthony was right, this was different. Because I can look at what he does with the children's hospital and I know that what he does here will transcend any sport. The love he has reached people who don't know the difference between a strike and a ball. And he still has parents and friends who like the guy in jeans and a sweater just as much as they love the guy in a baseball uniform.

"I trust you Anthony but I know what it's like to have to watch you leave. I know how it feels to want to be with you but know that I can't... it's awful" I admit.

"There's no promising that I'll always be here, because I won't be. I'll be anywhere between new York to LA. But no matter where I am I will always rather be with you" he claims.

Suddenly cheers ring out and it was finally midnight. I waited all day for this moment and now it's here and I was scared. Everything I ever wanted started with my lips on his lips here in front of everyone, but everything also ended there too.

I push away all the doubt and all the fear. I reach up and grab his face before pulling him down. I could feel his breath on my lips as my eyes slowly shut. My lips crash into his in a way they haven't before. This time was different and we both knew it.

We slowly break apart as he opens his eyes. The smile on his face as big I ever seen it.

"Do you want to come back to my place" he asks softly. I giggle a little as he pouts. "Dont laugh at me!"

"I'm sorry. It's just that Carmen totally called this" I shake my head.

"Is that a yes" he wonders.

"Yes Anthony. I would follow you anywhere" I promise.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now