.60. Under The Stars

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After a fun and fulfilling spring training it was time to be back in sweet home Chicago. I can't lie, I'll miss Arizona more than I ever thought I would. Mostly the warm temperatures and beautiful shows the stars put on every night, the life I got to know there too. Now a bunch of things await me in the place I have finally come to love. And I was excited to be a part of it.

And this also means I get to finish designing Anthony's place. I had pretty much everything done during spring training so by the time we came back it was all done. The only thing I left alone was the spare room because we haven't really decided what to do with it yet. Anthony wasn't the gamer on the team and he didn't want a workout room knowing that he was going to work out at Wrigley every chance he had. He insisted I can use it for a office for when I get my degree and start working but he has a office in his apartment. I don't need a whole bedroom for that.

So we just leave it alone for now. Maybe we get a home theatre or a doggy and it can be its room. I don't know. I wanted to finish everything else before I worry about that room.

So I make sure everything is where I wanted it to be. I had a vision and the contractors who came in while we were gone and made it come true did a great job. It was exactly how I imagined it and for my first little taste of actually designing a home I really liked it. I guess it helps that it was my home too.

I take a bunch pictures before Anthony and I inevitably mess up the apartment and put them on my social media to share my vision with the world. I still have a few months of schooling left and it's only getting harder but it'll be worth it.

"Babe! Where are you" Anthony calls out.

"In the kitchen" I yell back. The kitchen was my favorite out of everything, I can't lie. The appliances and the tile work all worked so well together I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

"Come to the spare please" he yells and I raise my eyebrow. Last I checked there was nothing in there, but okay.

I walk to the other side of the apartment and find Anthony standing outside of the door with the biggest smile on my face. Alright, now I'm suspicious.

"Close your eyes" he tells me.

"Last time I did this I got hit in the face" I giggle.

"I told you I didn't know that the dog was going to jump up in your face like that" he pouts.

"I'm messing with you Anthony. Almost getting a black eye by a excited puppy is honestly a highlight of my life at this point" I assure him.

I close my eyes so he stops feeling bad and he grabs my hand. He takes us into the room, I'm hoping, before closing the door behind us. The lights go off and he lets go of my hand.

"Alright, open them" he insists. 

My eyes slowly slide open and I look around to find out what tricks he has up his sleeves this time. I see a hanging chair that I was looking at getting for us but wasn't sure about. It didn't really match the living room design and I didn't really need it in the bedroom so I scrapped the idea. But I guess Anthony picked it up and I still get a hanging chair.

"This is perfect" I smile as I go sit in the chair. It swings a little as my feet hover over the ground. Anthony joins me as it swings a little bit more with both of us in there.

"I can see us coming in here after a long night and just swinging as we look at the stars" he says causing me to look at him weird.

"There's no window here" I remind him.

"I know" he smiles.

He claps twice and all of the sudden little white lights appear on the ceiling. They twinkle a little and it almost looked exactly like the stars and not some poor execution of Christmas lights.

I get this warm feeling in my chest as the smile on my face gets as bad as ever. It was one of those moments you weren't expecting but it makes it all the more special. That and he made the seven stars my dad studied, the same ones on my necklace, a little brighter than the others. So I can get lost in them too, just like my daddy did.

"Anthony this is... this is incredible. How'd you do this" I wonder.

"You leave your laptop open a lot" he teases as I laugh. I'm not good at keeping secrets and it's not hard to tell why. "But I actually got this idea from you. I saw what you sent to Yu and his wife about the Japanese cherry blossoms in thier house with twinkling lights for their bedroom. You wanted to give them something that represents them and how beautiful their love is and their culture.

And this is ours. I know we haven't really figured out what to do with this room but it's a start. And like everything else in our journey this room starts with our love that is written in the stars. The celestial kind of love we are ever so lucky to feel every day.

I'm hoping that after long days under the summer sun at Wrigley we can come here and sit under the stars" he insists.

"My love for you is what makes them shine" I smile.

He pulls me into a long kiss as his fingers get wrapped up in my hair. Although there isn't a lot in this room yet it was quickly becoming my favorite. Maybe we can put a projector in it and it'll be the theatre room or it can just be a place where we play music and hang out. Just like our journey I don't know what this room holds for us. But it was a place where I feel like I belong, just live every other moment I am in his arms like this.

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