.77. Dark Eyes

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Having my mom in town and actually being able to hang out with her has been such a blessing. We got to go to the zoo and planetarium and Navy Pier. We even got to go out on the boat and catch a Cubs game together. It's been great to be able to enjoy this city I've come to love with the ones who I love the most.

But like many times this season Anthony has to leave and I'm left with my mom this time. She helps me put up some stuff in the babies room and take care of the apartment. We just talk and it was almost like the good old times.

"So how has all this been? I know you guys waited a while to make a announcement but I can't imagine it being easy since the whole world found out" my mom admits.

"It's been pretty crazy. And I'm blessed for the support everyone is showing, a lot of people are ready for a little Rizzo running around Wrigley. For the most part everything has gone smooth but it's still difficult to try and keep my head on straight. There's so much to think about between the doctors appointments and prenatal vitamins and stuff I have to avoid and school and baseball. It doesn't end" I admit.

"I was miserable when I was pregnant with you, I couldn't imagine doing what you're doing now on top of creating a human" she claims.

"It helps that I don't have to go through it alone. Anthony helps out a lot more than I would ever ask for. And not by buying me clothes that are comfortable since I can't fit in what I have or getting the best car seat or stuff like that. He's helped because gets rid of everything I say smells bad even if it's food he likes and rubs oil on my belly when it starts to hurt. He constantly is making sure that I'm comfortable and accommodating whatever I need. When he's around I haven't a worry in the world" I admit.

"Is that why since he left your eyes got all dark again" she accuses.

I stop folding the baby clothes we've picked up already and let out a sigh. Though I love having my mom around I hate how she's so okay with calling me out now.

"I hate it when you read me like that" I accuse.

"Well I apparently couldn't read you for years. And as a mother I am making it my duty to never let you slip away like that again" she claims.

I turn to her as I shake my head. "Momma you were the only reason I kept on more times than not. When I truly was alone in this world surrounded by people who couldn't care less about me, you were the only person for the longest time that could get me to smile. Seeing you was the highlight of my week and I would go through those awful days over and over again if that means I get to keep you here" I promise.

"But your problems started way before I was sick. I looked at you and James together and I was so blind, I couldn't see your eyes get dark like I can now. I sat by and let you fall deeper into the darkness until I couldn't even find you. You're all I have left and I let you down" she says softly.

"You never let me down. You showed me strength, real strength. If it wasn't for you I would still be in that relationship. I saw what real love can do to someone, how my dad has been gone for decades but his love for you is still the strongest thing in your life. You still talk about him life you guys had a date night just last night. And you inspired me to go out and find my forever love. And I did. Sure it sucks when he's gone but I'm going to be okay. You made sure I would be" I promise.

I softly rub her arm as she smiles up at me. She shakes her head as a soft sigh passes her lips. "What would your father say if he could see us right now" she asks.

"Stop whining and eat some food" I shrug. I was a kid when he passed so I don't remember much. But I remember that.

"We can grab some food. What's the sweet girl craving" she asks as she rubs my belly.

"I could do some ribs" I admit.

"Alright. Let's finish up here and we'll get you guys some ribs" she promises.

So we tuck the clothes away and I change into something more fitting for public. Once I was ready mom and I walk down the street until we find someplace that sold ribs. We get seated and order our food as they play Anthony's game on the telivision. We cheer him on as we enjoy our food.

My relationship with my mom wasn't always good. Especially back when things were hard and I didn't understand what all she gave up to give me a better life than what I would have been if she focused on herself more. And my daughter and I won't always see eye to eye. There will be days she really doesn't like me and days I can't stand her.

But at the end of the day I know my mom would do anything for me and I would do anything for her. She's my best friend and I don't want to mother my child without her. I hope to be half as strong and wise as her. And my baby won't know the hardships that we knew, it'll be loved and taken care of every second of its life. Anthony will spoil her and probably be too involved in her life. But she will also know that the best relationships go through the rough patches together and I will always be there for her. Through thick and thin.

The Cubs win and mom and I get a celebratory ice cream even though I really didn't need a reason to eat ice cream. They interview Anthony and the biggest smile comes up on my face. I loved watching him do what he loves and he's pretty good at it if I do day so myself.

"You've been playing great baseball. Does this have anything to do with you becoming a dad" the interviewer asks.

"It defiantly gives me some extra spark. I love waking up and getting to see my girlfriend and knowing that I'm a day closer to meeting our daughter. Life outside the game can get lost but most days all I can think about is my girls at home. I can't wait to leave the field and come home and see them in bed waiting for me. It defiantly gives my play a little extra to it" he claims.

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