.17. Beautiful Mystery

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Social media in this day and age can be so dangerous. Things can be brought up from the past and you can be a totally different person now, but that doesn't change the fact that at one point in your life whatever you tweeted you believed. All the slurs and the bad takes on certain situations lives on the internet forever. And don't even think about trying to get away with something, the people on Instagram are ruthless with screen shots. They will catch you red handed then tag you, they simply don't care.

I myself am not big on social media. It's a younger mans game and I usually just post about baseball on my socials, my foundations socials, and occasionally take the time to make fun of my friends like any good social media account should. I'm not one of those baseball players who troll fans or call out their teammates. I honestly don't see much back fire on my stuff. Of course if I'm playing like shit there's a few guys who have never held a baseball bat giving me instructions on how to be a better hitter but for the most part it's all good.

But I do find other things on the internet. Trade rumors, celebrity gossip, all the good stuff. So I never really know what to expect to find when I'm on there.

Out of pure curiosity I type in Celeste's name into the search bar to see what comes up. It was then I realized that this girl has spend her whole adult life being watched, no wonder James was so controlling. There was pictures of her out to eat, going shopping, honestly just being by herself. The pictures range from the time they were in high school to just yesterday. There was fan pages for her and her accounts that she doesn't even have access too. James hired people to post pictures to sell this loving relationship and pretend like it was her. But it's not.

And with all those cameras and eyes on her, people still can't see what she goes through. That's the scary part. She could be close to death and people would just comment "skinny Legend" then go on with their day. And it's not up to the public to see through these lies but for me it wasn't too hard to see things aren't as they're trying to sell on Instagram.

I do a little more digging and find a article that was written over the weekend. There was a picture of Celeste and James at some kind of event for the Bears they have before the season starts. She had that fake smile plastered on her face and I can see in her eyes how much she didn't want to be there.

After much contemplation I open up the article knowing this was only going to further upset me. Every time I see her with that sad excuse of a man it makes something inside of me burn. Like a wildfire that I can never get under control.

The words "Chicago's Best Couple Raises The Bar Again" were at the top of the page and the zoomed out version of the picture from before was right below it. The article goes into what they were wearing and the jewelry that sat on her skin. If only they knew how much she hated all that stuff. If only they knew who she really was they could see that she was trapped.

I continue to read and I come up on a peculiar few sentences. It read:

While the stunning celestial view we have that is Celeste Daniels has been in Chicago for nearly seven years now, what might be more surprising is how little we know about her. We know she met James in high school and they have been in love every since, but outside of the game we don't know much. She's a beautiful mystery even after all these years. The standard for beauty, grace, professionalism, any mans dream really. Even though her husband has had plenty of problems off the field her record remains squeaky clean. What more is there to Mrs. Daniels?

I let out a sigh because they're asking the right questions, just not to the right people. The only person who can answer that is Celeste herself, but James won't let anyone close enough to ask her. She probably doesn't even know there's people out here who want to get to know her in the way I have. I feel like the luckiest man in the world because she has shown herself to me and that is special to me. And she can be that to a lot of people. Someone that people can look up to and be inspired by. But she's not allowed to be that person, to be herself to the public eye. And that's the real tragedy.

I put my phone away too afraid to sip into a rabbit hole that only ends up with my feelings getting hurt. I decide to order some food up to the apartment and chill out until I had to leave from my game.

Way sooner than expected there was a knock on the door and I answer it expecting it to be my food. Instead I see a big red box sitting there and I look at it weird. It said "to Anthony from Amanda" on it and I instantly knew who it was from.

I pull the box inside and see what was in there. I see some expensive red wines and chocolate in there and I smile. There was some sushi neatly packaged at the bottom that looked so good.

There was a note stuck to the top of the sushi box and I grab it.

"Dear Amanda,

Thank you for helping me with my situation with my mother. I know you're just being a good person but to me that means the world. So here's some treats to show my gratitude. Just some of the things we've shared that I still think about, even though it seems small. It takes up a lot of space in my heart. Space I wasn't sure would ever fill again. So once again, thank you.

Sincerely yours, Celeste."

I smile as I place the note on the counter. I take out my sushi and red wine kind of mad I just ordered myself some food. But I'll put this away for after the game since I need a big meal before hand.

I take a picture of the note and all the stuff I got and keep it to myself. It's not like I could send it to any one because besides Hannah no one knows that we... well I'm not sure what we are to be honest. I wouldn't call it friendship, I never felt like this about a friend before. I've never felt like this ever to be honest. And I'm not sure what I'm doing, if it's all worth it in the end. But in this life where we can look through social media and draw conclusions based off of little facts or fake facts, it's nice to have something real.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now