.15. Figure It Out

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After a lot of planing and trials my mom gets the new treatment that Anthony was talking about. This one is way less harmful to your body but just as powerful. Of course nothing is guaranteed with a trial drug but this was looking promising. With all the research and fundraising Anthony does for cancer he was able to get my mom to a better hospital and get better treatment and I was so thankful. Since James all but gave up on my mom I'm happy to hear that she's being taken care of by someone who knows how this goes and is willing to do anything to not maintain the cancer but get rid of it.

So they move her to a different hospital not too far from the one was staying in. She had a beautiful room all to herself and the doctors and nurses were so nice. They're sure they can get her out of here sooner than later and that made me happy. The sooner I got her back maybe the sooner I can figure all this out.

"Celeste Lauren, come here" James calls out into the living room and I let out a groan. What does this man what now?

"Yes" I reply not in the mood for yet another argument which seems like the only thing that happens between us these days.

"Is there a reason why Anthony Rizzo is moving your mother to a different hospital" he asks.

Here we go.

"It's not Anthony Rizzo, it's the Anthony Rizzo family foundation" I correct.

"What's the difference" he asks.

"Well one is a baseball player and one is a non profit organization specializing in the research, treatment and care of people with cancer. So a lot" I admit.

"He works with pediatric cancer. Your mom isn't a kid" he reminds me.

I try to find my way around this but I wasn't sure how to get away from this one now. "Maybe he is just a nice guy doing something nice for people. Not every professional athlete is drivin by their ego like you" I accuse.

"I have a theory of my own. Somehow, someway you two know each other" he accuses.

"I know of him and he knows of me and that's it. So I'm not sure what you're getting at" I say.

"I believe that you two are having a affair" he claims as I roll my eyes.

"If that we're true we would have been caught by now. Like you have been... nine times" I remind him.

"Those aren't true and you know it" he argues.

"I don't get why you lie about it? I know it happened but I'm obviously not going anywhere. Who are you trying to fool" I ask.

"No. You're trying to change the subject. Now tell me why he's moving your mom" he demands.

"Why do you care? You haven't seen her in months and you stopped paying for treatments. How does this concern you" I counter.

"Your mom doesn't concern me, he does" he claims.

"Well don't be. I'm not with him, I'm here with you. Trapped in this house as a part of a life sentence I signed over to you. There's no way out" I remind him.

"But you wish you were with him" he tries.

"I wish I was with anyone else" I scoff.

He just stares at me as the rage fills his body. His anger issues has always been there but his control over it has been slipping. And I'm waiting for that one time he loses it, he lays a hand on me and I go straight to the police. I have plenty of texts and audio recordings that would back me up. But technically it was his phone so he can get rid of it all before I could turn it in if I don't go there with a air tight alibi. But if he was under investigation then he has to turn it all over and I was free.

Part of me wishes he would hit me and it would all be over. I wish there was a way to expose this man for all the awful things he does. But I don't want to slip up and he get away and all of the sudden I'm seen as the crazy girlfriend who doesn't get her way. If he walks free then I have nowhere to go. And as much as it sucks I would rather live like this than to be shamed for something I am a victim of.

"I'm going to bed. I suggest you figure out this Rizzo situation before I do. I don't want to hear that mans name ever again. You aren't to see him, to talk to him. Don't you even think about him" he threatens.

"He and his family is helping my mom, what am I supposed to do huh" I ask.

"Like I said. Figured it out" he warns.

He turns down the hallway and with each step I grow more and more upset. How this man expects me to get help from Anthony without getting help from him is a mystery. That's not a thing. But that shit doesn't matter to him because he believes this world is made to cater to him and his needs. And it's just not. None of that stuff matters when his mind is made up. And I'm afraid his mind is made up.

I go to the hospital to meet my mom even though it was getting late. I like coming at this time because it's quiet and I get more time with Mom.

I find her in her new room which was bright and fun and interesting. No more staring at blank walls or sharing a room with a elderly patient who forgets she has cancer every other day.

Upon arriving at the door I hear my mom talking to someone and I stop. The voice I recognized was Anthony's and I let out a sigh. I didn't know what to do at this point, I know what I wanted to do but that was far from a possibility at this point.

Once I find enough courage I walk into the room. They both smile big when they see me here. "Celeste dear, it is so nice to see you" my mom starts.

"You too mommy. But I was wondering if I could talk to Anthony for a second" I admit and his face falls.

"Of course" my mom insists.

He follows me out into the hallway and I turn to him. "What's wrong" he begs.

"You doing this is causing a lot of trouble" I tell him.

"You're upset I'm trying to help your mom get better and stopping James from holding your love for your mother over your head" he asks.

"No" I shake my head. "I'm more than happy that you're helping and that she is hopefully going to get better soon. But between this and the fact that every time you see James you try to kill him with your eyes he's getting suspicious. He doesn't want me to have any contact with you. Not even think of you" I tell him.

"Oh" he sighs. "I'm really sorry about the game. I never wanted to put you in a difficult position. I know I can't lose control like that when he's around, but I really hate him" he tells me.

"Trust me, I get that. But I have to pretend around him and so do you. I don't want to go against his words but his words are wrong. I can't not see you anymore. I would lose my mind if I didn't" I insist.

"Play it safe for now. You mean the world to me and I'm not going to give up on you. No matter what. I'll be here for you always, okay" he asks as he cups my cheek.

"Okay" I whisper.

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