.43. Back Home

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After two days of driving, terrible singing and lots of laughs we arrive in Seattle around 7 at night. My mom is originally from Washington and lived a pretty good life there before she got moved to Atlanta when she was fifteen. There she met and fell in love with a man who always seemed to be lost in the stars, but she always told me the best way to fall in love was surrounded by stars. And I guess she is right.

But once my dad passed and she got offered a better job at the grade school she grew up in she moved us back out here. I hated leaving at first for Atlanta was all I knew but I quickly realized she did what was best for the both of us. Staying in Georgia only brought heartbreak and now I'm closer to many things I believe define me. I got to hang out with my grandma and grandpa and some of my cousins on my mother's side while I was here. Seattle wasn't where I was born but to me this was home. I don't remember a lot from my time in Atlanta but that place reminds me of dad so I still go there when I can. But nothing beats coming back here.

We pull into my moms driveway and I smile to myself. It was just a simple two bedroom house, one bathroom and a small kitchen. It isn't anything special but it was home.

Before I even get out of the car my mom was there waiting for me. She pulls me into a huge hug and I hug her back. "My goodness, you've gotten even more beautiful than I remember" she whispers in my ear. I could just stay in her arms forever.

"Well I can eat now so that's nice" I joke. She playfully hits my arm because she doesn't think those kind of jokes are that funny but it's how I cope.

"And Anthony" she says as she turns to him. She pulls him into a big hug as he happily hugs her back. "It's great to see you too."

"You too Hannah" he says as he gives her a good squeeze.

We get inside and give him the tour though there isn't much to see. There was a lot of pictures of dad around and me as a kid just so the memories won't fade away. Every year book, my dresses from dance recitals and all my soccer trophies were laying around so Mom can bring it up every chance she gets. It was rally nice to see the old house and go down memory lane. I haven't been here since before James and I got married, I missed this place.

"You were so cute" Anthony coos as he picks up a picture of me in some crazy outfit from when I did dance as a child.

"I was not a good dancer" I giggle.

"You had two left feet" my mom agrees. "But no one had more fun that you did out there."

"What can I say, music speaks to me. But rhythm does not" I shake my head.

After looking around for a while we sit down for dinner. Mom made us pulled pork and loaded waffle fries upon Anthony's request. He could ask for the world and she would do her best to give him that. Then again he did help save her life and he helped save mine too. That'll get you some brownie points.

"Have you talked to James since you left" my mom wonders.

"Not a word. He doesn't have my new number so he couldn't get ahold of me anyway. I know Carmen and Jordan are doing the most to try and keep him away. He asks about me but as far as I'm concerned I'm dead to him" I insist.

"Well that's good. I'm sorry it ended this way but im happy that you are free. Especially since you came to see me" she smiles.

"I'm on a mission to find myself once again and where better can I do that than back home" I say.

We finish up dinner and mom grills Anthony and I about our relationship. And it is a relationship. We're dating and I brought him home so it's serious. But there is so much that goes into this relationship we are still trying to figure out. Trying to keep it between us and figure out how we go together that way when we do go public there is no doubt we are meant to be together. And it hasn't been hard, everything with him is so easy. There hasn't been a time where we were together when I wanted to be anywhere else. But it's apparent that with what I've been through and what he is trying to do simple isn't a part of our plans.

After staying up looking at old pictures laughing at the time I tried to cut my own hair it was time to turn in. So we retreat to my room to change and brush our teeth before relaxing for the rest of the night.

My room was still exactly how I left it. I told mom she can turn it into a office but she insisted she wanted to keep it should I ever came home. And I finally did.

Once I take off my makeup and do my nightly routine I crawl into my old bed. Anthony pulls me into him and I couldn't help but smile. Usually we fall asleep on the couch before but we've never slept together really. And sure sleeping together in the same bed I grew up in probably isn't how I imagined this moment happening, but it was still special.

"I love being here" Anthony tells me as I softly smile to myself.

"I'm glad you do" I admit.

"I know you've been trying to find yourself, and as I look around all I can see is you. And like always it's beautiful" he claims.

"How do you always know the right things to say" I ask as he chuckles at me. That was quite a dangerous question but I truly wanted to know.

"I don't know. I just always know what to say. What needs to be said to help you find everything you're looking for" he tries.

"I don't need to look far to find everything I'm looking for, because you're right here" I say softly.

He slowly presses his lips to mine as my fingers get tangled in his shirt. I find myself getting lost in the thought of him. Like my mom said I found a love that makes me feel lost in the stars and I couldn't describe it better. I'm lucky enough to have someone who found me when my light had faded and I had gotten lost in the dark sky. And thanks to him I can shine again. I found my light.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now