.21. Tipping Point

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As the days move along I try my best to keep it together. After everything Celeste and I have been through we're getting into dangerous territory. Because I'm starting to not care who sees us, finding any excuse for us to be together. I'm starting to think that I simply cannot live without her. I know I shouldn't feel this way, I shouldn't think about this girl in the way I do. But I can't stop my feelings from growing.

So I try to keep my head on straight, throw myself in work and the foundation. Hannah has become one of my good friends and I can't wait until she gets out of the hospital. I have such plans for her and a few other people getting out soon too. My parents should be in town in a few weeks and I was still excited to be playing good baseball. I thought if I threw myself into all of this it would keep my mind from wandering to her.

But then I find out I was a part of a commercial with a few other professional athletes here in Chicago and to my despise James was one of the other players along with Jonathan Toews, Jimmy Butler and Todd Frazier. We all meet up in a ballroom in the city to learn lines and record for CSN. Most of the games within the city are on their broadcast besides the Bears games that usually air on fox and cbs and stuff like that. But the pre game and post game things are on CSN so he was still required to be here.

We all get in our jerseys and get hair and makeup done. I keep my stare into James as he shamelessly flirts with the director. I wanted so bad just to lay him out right here but that would be more problems than solutions.

"You good man" Jonny asks as I sigh. He was one of the few professional athletes that don't make me want to pull my hair out. With his success and his mind set he's one of the most liked athletes in the city. A lot like James he has the rings but unlike that cheating low life piece of shit Jonathan has morals and he is a team first kind of guy. A captain of all captains. If I played hockey I would want to play for him.

"Yeah. Just not a big fan of that James guy" I admit.

"Is anyone" he asks as I chuckle. "I'm serious. I haven't heard one good thing about the dude."

"You my friend have no idea" I admit.

Jon goes off to record his parts and I sit back and watch James mess around with this girl. He shamelessly plays with her hair and touches her shoulder. His ring sitting right there on his hand. I wish I could rip it off his crusty ass fingers.

He catches my glare before whispering something in the girls ear. James then peels away and walks towards me. I should have been scared because I already know what he's capable of. I know more about him than anyone that's not Celeste and that knowledge game me power in this situation.

"Do we have a problem" he asks as he stops in front of me. I raise my eyebrow because he has some nerve thinking I was any part of the problem here.

"Why would we have a problem" I counter.

"Well for one every time I see you you seem to want to say something but never do" he accuses.

"What is there to say" I ask.

"Maybe it's something about the fact that you're obsessed with my wife" he claims.

"Oh, that was your wife you were other there flirting with? Or was it one of the girls I saw you kissing in the bar earlier this summer" I accuse.

I see steam come out of his ears once he realizes I know his little game. And that I was front row in the audience to witness some of his atrocities, just some of them.

"You don't know me" he says.

"I don't want to" I admit.

"No. You just want my wife. But you can't have her and it kills you. You hate that at the end of the day she comes home to me and you're at home by yourself wishing it was you. But it's not. She's with me and that's not going to change" he claims.

Now it was my turn to get upset. "You don't deserve her" I accuse.

"No" he asks.

"You deserve to rot in hell" I admit as he steps closer to me.

"If that's where I'm going then she'll be right there with me, like always" he smirks.

I was half a second away from laying this man out like a new born baby. But then I remember Celeste and all she's gone through, and for it all to be for her to know a entire lifetime was pain made this not worth it. I couldn't put her in a position where she's weak and I can't help her anymore.

"We're done here" I announce as I go to turn away.

"Don't talk to her anymore. I know she's already told you that but you seemed to not hear the message when she said it. So I'll say it again. Stay away from her" he warns.

"Why? Because you're mad that I take better care of your wife than you do? You're mad that every ounce of love she had for you is dried up on a desert? Or is it that you couldn't make her happy if your life depending on it but all I have to do is say her name to make her smile" I say.

That seemed to be the tipping point as he steps towards me again. But Jonathan steps between us before anything could really happen.

"Alright you two break it up... now" he demands.

I step down and after some further convincing from his people James steps down too. I keep my eyes on his as he watches me.

"I don't want you around her ever again. You got it" he asks as he points his finger at me.

"You might manipulate and control her, but that shit doesn't work on me. Because unlike her I have no need to keep you happy. I never loved you and I never owed you shit. I am continuing on with my life the way I intend, no matter what you say" I assure him.

He gets far enough away that I don't hear his pea sized brain rattling around in his skull. Jonny finally gets me to calm down as he pats my back. "Girl trouble huh" he asks.

"Not exactly" I admit.

"Well if there's a girl involved that usually means trouble" he claims as I laugh.

"That is very true" I admit.

"I don't know what's going on, and from the sounds of it I probably don't want to. Just try not to punch him in the face. At least not until after he has filmed his lines. I really want to go home" he jokes making me smile.

"I'll try my best" I promise him.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now