.90. A Message

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October was finally here and to say I was excited was a understatement. My baby should be here at the end of the month and it's breast cancer awareness month and post season baseball.

A lot was changing here in the city and I was actually excited for once. Though I wasn't ready for the possibility of baseball being over and not seeing my friends anymore I had a lot of work to do once the season comes to a end. No more leisure days with the girls or watching the kids running around. No more Chicago dogs under the sun. So I was going to enjoy this last game as much as I can.

"God I can't wait to drink again" I mumble as the Brewers score a few runs to put them ahead.

"I'll drink for you" Jess says as she stands up. She heads straight to the beer stand and I had to laugh. Kris doesn't drink so she is used to drinking for two people. And she had quite the toleration, I've seen her tipsy but never drunk. I would falling over with half of what she drinks.

"So Callie, you thinking the baby comes on her due date" Paige wonders as I scoff.

"Absolutely not. She's coming early. It feels like she is crawling her way out already" I shake my head. She is defiantly heading for the exit it feels like.

"How far along are you" she asks.

"36 weeks so I got a little less than four weeks left. But I don't know if I'm making it without popping" I shake my head.

"Eh you'll miss it" Krystal claims.

"You know what I miss? Fitting in my shoes and Jimmy John sandwiches" I admit as everyone chuckles.

"Yeah that part sucked. But you can't hear her crying in there" she reminds me.

"I'd take her crying over me crying because I'm upset but I don't know why" I shake my head.

We get to the seventh inning and they do the seventh inning stretch. They show some videos on the video board and I see a new one pop up. With the season ending they had they guys do thank you videos for their families and the fans for the support. You know, those wholesome videos that ends up on SportsCenter.

And then there's my boyfriend who pops up on the screen in a suit and tie when everyone else was in their uniforms. It looked like he filmed his video on a razor flip phone in the bathroom but leave it to him.

"Dear god" I groan as I shove my face in my hands. I am in love with an idiot.

"I would like to thank the fans first and foremost. You guys make playing for this team the best job in the world. No matter where we go you guys always show up and show us support. I know that when the sun is high and the bleachers are rocking it's going to be a good day.

Of course I want to thank my family for what they help me do in this city. It's one thing to be a player here and another to make a impact on this community. I feel the love from the corner of Clark and Addison to Luries. You guys have been with me through it all and I couldn't do it without you.

And last but certainly not least I have to give a shout-out to my girlfriend. She is the one person in the world who's energy I can feed off of. I mean I don't know if you guys knew this but I'm pretty energetic. But she is creative and funny and passionate and everything I want to see in myself. My favorite parts of this season was always coming home to you and seeing you smile when you see me. Hanging out in the babies room and just talking about whatever comes to our minds. I am so thankful to have spent this season falling more in love with you.

This season has been great and I hope we get to make some more fireworks this post season. Thanks for all your support and we love you" he finishes.

I feel Jess knock into my arm as I roll my eyes. "That was pretty sweet. I wish Kris said something like that about me" she teases.

"I actually cannot stop blushing right now" I admit.

"I thought it was adorable. You know not a lot of professional athletes have the balls to say stuff like that. Some of them know they're unfaithful or they're afraid that they'll be labeled as whipped. Luckily Anthony doesn't care about what people say and thrives on being vulnerable with his feelings. Kyle has told me stories about what a man Anthony is. Him parading around the clubhouse blasting Mariah Carey and always doing whatever it takes to make the guys feel like they belong here. That's something special, professional sports needs more of that. It makes the guys not hate having to come into work" Paige insists.

"He does have a way of making life a lot more enjoyable for everyone. People think it's just him being goofy but in reality he just wants to see people smile. That's why he comes here day after day. He knows the joy he brings people around the world and he wants to make people smile as much as possible" I admit.

"And that's why we love having him around. And we love you too" Jess assures me.

"I am happy to be here" I smile.

The Cubs end up losing in what seemed to be a pretty rough end to the season. They were a sure division champ last week and now they tied with the Brewers for the best record in the central and they need a tie breaker game. And I shouldn't complain, we get 163 games this season instead of 162. But the stress wasn't fun either.

I pack up my stuff and head on home. Anthony likes to linger the games and he knows where to find me once he is ready to come home.

At about 6 he strolls through the front door. I was in the kitchen getting our dinner ready and he quickly finds me.

"So... did you like my video" he asks as he wraps his arms around me. He rests his chin on my shoulder as he watches what I do.

"It was really really sweet. Though I'm not sure you didn't record that in a bathroom on a land line" I tease.

"They asked for it when I was doing something for the children's hospital so that's why I was wearing the suit. And it was on my moms phone which was cracked" he explains.

"Reguardless, you put a lot of smiles on people's faces. Mine especially" I assure him.

"Good" he says as he gives me a good squeeze.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now